India's Slave Brides - 101 East

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101 East investigates how every year, tens of thousands of girls and women in India are trafficked into slave marriages. More from 101 East on: YouTube - Facebook - Twitter - Instagram - Website - - Subscribe to our channel: - Follow us on Twitter: - Find us on Facebook: - Check our website:


  1. The mother and daughter one is conflicting
  2. Kudos to the people who are helping to rid India of this wretchedness. Women are disrespected all over the world. Donald Trump was mightily rewarded in spite of the fact he showed disrespect to women over and over again. As a man, I have to say that something is terrible wrong with men, regardless of race, when we act with such cruelty to women. Have we forgotten that our mothers are women?
  3. Please, Aljazezza, make the same documentary in Pakistan...
  4. buy more weapons more jets to become superpower this is the reality of super power
  5. These are mostly Bangladeshi Muslims. They have migrate in Assam and nearby states like Bihar and Orissa. The majority population is extremely poor due to floods. The poor man & women and are sold for farm labour in agriculturaly active panjab & Haryana. The woman of the area is not sold as Bride due to their different caste and language in Haryana. Haryana do have better choice of bride. The women of these area are rarely sold for prostitution since they are less remunerative. All Jazeera has touched a very sensitive issue for their TRP. NGO also use the media for increasing their funding. Real plight of these people is poverty and illiteracy. most NGO are not working toward it since it require dedicate rural life and a lot of money; activating a lazy poor society who is used to be feed free. All Jazeera it's not for you since you are not in any way concern for the poor but your TRP.
  6. omg
  7. We don't realize how blessed we are till we see someone else's life.
  8. Well done India...
  9. Truth ....
  10. that dude is a pimp and she's eating good and if she talks she's done! I feel horrible about the way women of India is treated.
  11. All these people shown from Assam are illegal Bangladeshi (their language, enthnicity, religion as such), not native to the region, so they don't own land and are migrant labourers and displace whenever the floods come so they are easy target for trafficking. First of all Indian Govt. esp the Assam govt. should stop these illegal Bangladeshi to migrate to Assam. Many are illegally migrating to the adjoining Northeastern states as well and creating new problems. They are easily attracted to petty crimes and such for survival and increasing the crime rate in the Northeast part which was normally a peaceful placement in recent decades their numbers have multiplied as there is no family planning and also no strict checking in India and Bangladesh borders... Human beings use each other's situation for their gain... Such will go one unless strong intervention is taken at the border and in Assam (other region too) and also Haryana.
  12. I know this sounds very racist , but Indian men really disturb and disgust me
  13. i couldn't stop crying
  14. AL jazeera y don't u make a documentary about d situation of women in our middle Eastern countries. they aren't even allowed to exist
  15. This is really sick.
  16. Animals.
  17. as an Indian I feel Ashamed of these things... people mind sets still stuck in stone age... there's​ a lot to change...huge population, lack of education, corruption, greediness, selfish billionaire's, filth, lack of basic eminities, careless government, corrupted lawmakers, what not ... India maintains diversity in problems too..but still we have hope one day everything will be changed.
  18. Lol the climax was kinda bleh
    The trafficked girl doesn't wanna go home and the boi pops a soda bottle and the mother in law throws major sass. What is happening India
  19. he's really handsome mubin khan 5:20
  20. this type of men should be put to death penalty!for what you men feel proud about !you too come out of the mother!not the father!how about women stop giving birth to male ... women are more strong and precious than men!

Additional Information:

Visibility: 524143

Duration: 26m 1s

Rating: 1890