15/20 Blueprint for Global Enslavement: ENDGAME

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new world order nwo depopulation highest priority foreign policy towards third world henry kissinger 1974 different characteristics different parts of world stalin hitler mindset elites kill largest masses of people total control ideology elite psychopaths nazis plato 2400 years ago breeding programs to mass extermination of undesirables acropolis parthenon replica nashville tennessee dark dream for millennia eugenics francis galton (charles darwin's cousin) scientific rationale for tyranny thomas robert malthus food crisis "helpful" would wipe out poor fictional scenario later called "a malthusian catastrophe" charles darwin origin of species theory of evolution chief tenet "survival of the fittest" thomas henry huxley known as darwin's bulldog england record of family faculties social darwinism wedgwood (descended from Erasmus Darwin and Josiah Wedgwood family) social design theory pledged inbreeding with each other to produce "supermen" (popular with elites for millennia) nazi gold eagle emerging pseudoscience close to 90 percent either died at birth or physically or mentally handicapped moneyed class royal families predatory disdain for underclass biometrics developed by galton 1870s tracking racial traits genetic history 1904 cold spring harbor laboratory (CSHL) charles benedict davenport funded by rubber barons carnegie rockefeller harriman 1907 first sterilization laws passed in USA arrested forcibly sterilised tomorrow's children pro-eugenics film 1934 eugenics record office 1910 british network social workers "expressly to serve as spies and enforcers of the eugenics race cult [which] was rapidly taking control of western society" social workers decided who would have their children taken away who would be sterilised who would be quietly murdered 1911 rockefeller family exported eugenics to germany by bankrolling the kaiser wilhelm institute [society] which later formed a central pillar in third reich 1912 international eugenics conference london futurist & best selling sci-fi author herbert george hg wells studied biology under top eugenicists assisted spreading eugenics faith worldwide 1916 wells' lover margaret sanger began promoting eugenics in USA 1923 sanger received massive funding from rockefellers and wrote to clarence j gamble (married to Sarah Merry Bradley-Gamble), was heir of the Procter and Gamble soap company fortune. He was an advocate of birth control, and founded Pathfinder International) recruited black leaders to act as "front men" sterilization programs directed at black communities 1924 hitler pens mein kampf my struggle credits US eugenicist [madison grant] as his inspiration hitler writes "fan letter" to american eugenicist conservationist madison grant calling his 1916 race-based book The Passing of The Great Race "his bible" (grant was also a lawyer and amateur anthropologist) "hitler developed the plan for mass extermination of the jews, what he called 'other sub races', as well as the handicapped from [madison] grant" 1927 eugenics "hit the main stream" the so-called science was aggressively pushed through contests at schools, churches, and at state fairs major church denominations tell americans that Jesus is for eugenics eugenical sterilisation legislation more than 25 states pass forced sterilization laws and supreme court rules in favor of brutal sterilisation policies hitler comes to power 1933 one of his first acts "national eugenics laws modelled after laws in USA" by 1936 germany became world leader in eugenics for taking effective actions to sterilize and euthanize 100s of thousands of victims americans honoured at heidelberg's fete big three of american eugenics charles benedict davenport harry hamilton laughlin charles goethe dispatched by rockefeller to germany where they advised the nazis on "fine tuning" of their extermination system with the strong support of the US and england "germany went over the edge" millions would pay with their lives


  1. The human being was created as vicegerent/caretaker of Allah Almighty's creation, it was mans own forgetfulness that brought on the tragedy. All resisters to Allah's way, only have themselves to blame for refusing to accept the authority of our Sovereign Lord Most High, He Almighty stated, that should we refuse to accept His Authority, then He would replace it with an authority we would not like, this is what's happening, theirs time to repent so long as one still has breath, never despair of the a Mercy of Allah, for He is All a Merciful, Most Merciful, all it takes is to believe, and then and only then will we see wonders happening on His wide earth, where the disbeliever sees pigs fly, we see wild geese in their natural order behind their Amir, ( the one who knows the flight path the best doesn't need the vote as it is self evident) We beg that He arrives to us soon, from Allah we came and to him we return, account for ourselves before The Final Accounting. Peace.
  2. Attunement is they key to our survival, 'Parsifal in space' is the best Attunement, along with the masters of Tassawuff, no orchestra has managed to succeed in getting the timing exact to how Wagner required it...except for one who managed to to be out by only one minute) the antithesis is for the attuned to more and more deliberate, like a rocket on a launch pad, patience verses impulse is a human beings internal struggle, the real victory is the triumph of soul over over matter, all in nature is fractal, nothing is never happening when it's all happening as cosmic orgasm, ( it's only humans that are out of tune) their isn't one moment that I don't imagine I'm under the guillotine awaiting it's slam but.........like Jesus and all true Mujahid's, " THEY LIVE".....we don't die......
  3. So, according to this video Jewish bankers were responsible for Nazi policy and 10s of millions rather than the widely accepted 6 million were murdered?
  4. Galton never promoted disallowing people from procreating. His believed only that "more fit" individuals should have more kids.
  5. Except "survival of the fittest" was not Darwin's chief tenet.

Additional Information:

Visibility: 3569

Duration: 10m 2s

Rating: 18