18 Bizarre Things You'll Only Find In China

Concept, photos, videos, examples, construction

Here are the top 18 most unbelievable and strange things that can only be found in China from crazy bike boats to the geese police! Subscribe to Talltanic http://goo.gl/wgfvrr 10. Robot Rickshaw Can’t find anyone to pull you around in your rickshaw?! That’s okay, just make a robot! That’s what this guy in China did and it seems to be working just fine! This farmer is getting pulled along in this cart in his small village near Beijing. He has an interesting hobby of making robots, beginning 20 years ago. And also loves making robots for his kids as well. How many more jobs can robots take in the future? 9. The Craziest Haircuts! With China’s economy getting more and more powerful by the day, some of the citizens enjoy splurging on one of a kind, artistic haircuts to show their patriotism like we’re about to see! With it being the year of the monkey in 2016, this guy decided to get this hairdo. Other lucky children decided to sport the sweet apple logo, shaven directly into their heads. This logo also represents good luck and prosperity in China. One of the more elaborate was this kid's haircut. It featured the Tiananmen square. It even has a photo of the communist revolutionary, Mao on it! These guys are definitely looking stylish! 8. The Olympics Spectacle In 2008, Beijing China was home to possible the most insane, olympics opening ceremony ever! Huge blazes of fireworks, with exactly 2008 drummers started off the games. It was basically impossible to not be overwhelmed. The show cost at least 25 million dollars, in front of 80 world leaders and must have been done in a way to show people, China means business! 7. Tianzi Hotel, Hebei Artwork of enormous Buddhist figures are nothing new in China, especially in mountain cliffs, but these statues are somewhat remarkable. The buildings depict a trio of mythical figures at the Tianzi Hotel, located east of Beijing in the city of Hebei. The effigies of Fu, Lu and Shou stand tall at this location, and stand for fortune, prosperity and longevity. The man Shou with the white beard holds onto the peach of immortality, where you’ll also find the hotel’s best suite. 6. Mobile Phone Building This huge, mobile phone building, located in Kunming, China attracts quite a bit of attention from tourists and locals alike. The upper story screens are actually windows and while it certainly isn’t the most modern phone available, the unique design, the building has been a giant head turner. 5. Baby Crocodiles While many bizarre foods come from China, this one might shock you as well. Next time you take a trip to the local Chinese walmart, you might come across crocodiles, with an apple in its mouth and put on a bunch of ice. While the Chinese value its meat, species such as the Siamese crocodile are becoming endangered over hunting. That’s certainly not something you’d expect to see in the US. A lot of the time, these parts are dried and sold individually 4. Bike Boat In this photo we see Liu Wanyong, ride on his very own invention, which is basically a bicycle that floats due to the plastic tubes. How would you like to be able to pedal on a river like this guy in the photo? This is being used in Zhenning, Guizhou Province in southeastern China. This inventor, mostly helps create things that people in his traditional village will find useful. 3. KFG You’ve probably seen OFC already but probably not KFG! This chinese chicken restaurant is hoping you won’t notice there’s something slightly off about this image. They wanted to bring in customers with the KFC logo but made just enough modifications to where they won’t get problems with copyright issues. This is a strange example of a Chinese knockoff restaurant. Anyone want to get a pizza delivery from Pizza Huh? There are actually a ton of rip off fast food chains which almost seems like a good idea for an entirely new video! 2. Fat Guy Underwear These underwear are advertised for larger men and are supposed to be a tad more comfortable. Does anyone actually see the resemblance though between the guy on the box and a cartoon character? You have to admit, it is a little bit weird to see the chinese version of Peter Griffin! 1. Chinese New Year While China’s calendar is completely different from ours, there doesn’t really seem to be a country that goes this all out on their New Year's celebration. What better place could there be to celebrate, than in the country that invented fireworks! Right now it is currently the year of the monkey. In this photo, you can see a woman dressed up as the Monkey king, praying on the first day of New years. On Saturday January 28th, 2017 will begin the next new year, celebrating the Rooster. Celebrations may take place in many parts of the worlds’, but you really need to go to China to experience it right!


  1. when obama was president, now we have trump :)
  2. This is what I love about the Chinese. They are creative, fun, socially comfortable and connected, noncomformists- the opposite of life in America.

    Americans talk big about individuality & freedom but the Chinese actually practice it :D
  3. remember in China "Copyright" is defined as "Right to Copy"
  4. And I thought Japan was weird
  5. my dad is at shangai now
  6. what a stupid video, these shit are not crazy at all. In China, dog restaurant have dogs stripped and hanging upside down outside the dog, they put dogs or puppies into bags and use spiked stiff to knock them to death, what crocodile?have you heard of eating cat with snake or eating baby rats after putting them into boiling water to kill them, there are also people eating placenta, monkey brain ,worms , frogs and etc. In China, it is very normal to have fake things , it is not only about different version of KFC, we also have adiking, adidos, naike.that is not crazy enough, let me tell you some crazy thing happening to me, I was in an uni with bathroom and toilet in the same room that people in the same floor of thirty rooms share together, we always have one row of people taking bath and the other taking shit and people taking bath spit water to asses of people taking shit, and the shit cant be washed away bacause the tank is timed and works byitself sometimes you will have shit in the ditch for whole day and people have to take new shit on the old one.FUCK! I was living in a room of four people together and the room was really in a mess that sometimes you can find cockroaches from your cupboard, or on your bed while goin to sleep, I once opened my cupboard to find millions of roaches of different sizes crawling out of it after a two month summer vacation, and I was grabbing a fucking roach in the night two days later on bed after two days of cleaning. That was fucking CRAZY!!
  7. there is nothing wrong with how we celebrate new year and seriously why did you decide to make a video like this about my country 😾
  8. Cheap looking Peter Griffin. Wow.
  9. 大陸人近年迷戀英國的寄宿學校,認定將子女送往漂白三數年,將來可以直升牛津劍橋,由英國文化一手培養成貴族。此一幻想當然美好,但沒有想到英中兩國的文化土壤根本完全不同。英國寄宿學校不可能為大陸的上市公司主席和民企強人培養出一個黃皮膚的貴族。理由很簡單:只有國家由皇帝或國王行君主立憲,才有真正的貴族制度。人家有上議院,有大法官,有公侯伯子男爵,而中國則早已將全國地主貴族鬥爭槍斃,剩下一堆文盲工农兵,自己一手將貴族的土壤由春秋戰國開始刨光毀盡。這層基因斷掉了,將孩子交給英國教,無論怎樣漂白,也教不出一個貴族來。況且讀英國寄宿學校,中國學生的比例一定要設上限。中國人很奇怪,獨自流放,一個人在海外孤伶伶的講鄉愁,言行舉止都很乖而膽小。少數的中國小童進入一家寄宿學校,融合和同化過程容易,因為勢孤力單。所謂「去到羅馬、照着羅馬人的行為做」,所以上一代的美國衞斯理女子學院,教出來的蔣宋美齡,今日重看黑白紀錄片,言談舉止有貴婦般的風儀。因為那時在衞斯理學院的中國女學生,連同宋家姊妹,伸出一隻手掌還數目有餘。中國人一多了就會聚攏,也就是大陸普通話說的「抱團」。幾個人嘰哩呱啦說普通話,即使身穿寄宿學校的校服,也絕不會融入英國寄宿學校的文化。人家是民主社會,你既然人數多,每年二月非要去附近的中國餐館吃一頓咕嚕肉雲吞湯慶祝農曆新年,不是問題。加上閣下的父母是送錢來交學費的財主,寄宿學校的校長和教師,自然也不便反對。但是中國學生人數多,農曆新年、中秋、國慶都聚眾歡慶,鄉愁由集體亢奮取代,就形成一條吵鬧的唐人街。很簡單的道理:紐約華盛頓西雅圖的唐人街,一百年來就窩着一批不懂英文的老太太和老公公。沒精打采,衣著貧寒,在超級市場買菜,順手拿一份免費殘體字漢文報紙。他們領的是美國護照,他們當然沒有犯法,也是一等良民,但只是一堆會消化食物的人形畜;永遠不是美國人。不做美國人不好嗎?這就回到將子女送寄宿學校的原意了。你想小孩學做黃皮膚的威廉王子,不也是想他學做一個小英國人嗎?問題是大陸的社會文化土壤,父母如果是強人暴富,小孩在寄宿學校再浸淫,回到北京探親,父母一定會教導他,現在吐氣揚眉的是炎黃子孫,中國人應該在西方建立「話語權」。小孩聽了心領神會,告訴父母:我們在寄宿學校,每年農曆新年,不但發起吃中菜,幾十個華人留學生還會在學校的欖球場舞龍舞獅,我們穿一身唐裝表演功夫,這算不算建立中華話語權?大陸父母開心誇獎:好孩子,你真愛國,這就對了。

  10. @4:23. Kids get branded by their future employer.
  11. 那张摩托车很多的是,台湾的。,谢谢
  12. We have the 'geese patrol' in New Jersey.
  13. Much more than just these.
  14. Once again chinese are weirdos
  15. I was born in the year of the rooster.
  16. in the proffestional traffic jam waiter one, there is a picture of thailand not china
  17. I was expecting the usual (dog meat, knock-offs, public defecation, etc). Refreshing to see a positive slant for once.
  18. And people say Americans are weird...
  19. What kind of idiot breaks into a Police Station? LOL!
  20. what about the black market that slaughter dogs and cats for sell

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