1920's - What The Future Will Look Like

Concept, photos, videos, examples, construction

The future as they saw it in the 1920's. Followed with predictions from the 1930's.


  1. Wrong
  2. the ship looks pretty modern though.
  3. HAHAHA! They never expected yoga pants and jorts!
  4. Aw bless them, they thought 2000 was so futuristic. It was only eighty odd years away
  5. Whos watching in 2017 and beyond.
  6. 2:35 that dude looks nowhere near the future he looks like an iDiot.
  7. 2:56 burj khalifa
  8. They got the carrying a phone correct!
  9. We've got something better the spread of Sharia and non binary snowflakes
  10. The only thing that even looked close was the liner. Close I said.
  11. this would've happened if Hitler was offered a Pepsi
  12. Blacks were still segregated in the future nonetheless.
  13. I mean, they did get helicopters kind of right.
  14. Then comes WWII
  15. The rich yacht owners seem to be the demographic that is most accurate..
  16. you laugh but i bet your ass would believe it during these times.
  17. They got the man one right.
  18. what will she look like in 2000? get rid of all elegance and femininity, put her and jeans two sizes too small, and a hoodie four sizes too big
  19. well, they got the traffic jams correct.

Additional Information:

Visibility: 2304709

Duration: 5m 39s

Rating: 15823