1930s Fashion - Fashion and Design during the Depression

Concept, photos, videos, examples, construction

Fashion during the "Great Depression"


  1. 3:03 when the song changes so soothing!!!!!
  2. Excellent. Just the right amount of text, images, and perfect music. So informative and entertaining.
  3. Let me just say sandra, FANTASTIC! Please be encouraged to do more. I am a huge fan of vintage and would rather dress like this than the styles that are out now. At least the clothes and shoes were made well.
  4. The thirties and fourties are my favorite eras for fashion. I collect clothing, shoes and jewelry from this era. I recently bought a feed-sack dress. It's beautiful. People made clothing from feed sacks if they couldn't afford material. The woman I bought it from said she was embarrassed to wear her dresses but now they are very collectable and some are displayed in the Smithsonian.
  5. For Minnie and Ethergirl ... The song you are wondering about is called "Sentimental Mood" or "In a Sentimental Mood" and was popularly performed by Duke Ellington and other jazz superstars of that era. Check out the Miles Davis version. It's my favorite! Hope that helps. :0)
  6. Brilliant and informative video SandraLondon63! a true delight to watch! have you noticed that shoes have changed much? Now to watch it again :)
  7. Thank you Aaron.
  8. wow!
  9. Hi Sandra, This video was so great, thankyou so much for posting. Can you please tell me the name of the song that starts around 3:30? I love it every time I hear it, and no one around seems to know the name of it, either. Thanks!
  10. awesome information :)
  11. Thanks Sandra! This was very helpful for my project, as well as interesting and well put together. Great Job!
  12. thank you and duke ellington's the man!
  13. you're very welcome SandraLondon63,Duke's the man!!!!
  14. Thanks so much blacksultan85 for the compliments. However without Duke Ellington this video wouldn't be the same. He was just too AMAZING!
  15. great video!
  16. the classy era!!!!!
  17. one of my favorite videos!!!!!!!!!!
  18. I agree Keith.
  19. Thanks Keith, I appreciate your comments.
  20. I have to ask, and what is that? :)

Additional Information:

Visibility: 175111

Duration: 6m 55s

Rating: 390