1950s view of the future, retro futurism part 2

Concept, photos, videos, examples, construction

To order this clip in high res. follow this link: http://www.clipsandfootage.com/contact_us.html Cities of the future, hyper modern houses, factories, highways, rocket transporter, space station, lunar buggy.As believed in the 50's and 60's. Clip ref: A945


  1. The 'problem' is that the future arrives slowly day by day so by the time we reach the date we were so looking forward to - it isn't exciting at all.
  2. This is why fallout is here; to give us a good throwback
  3. We need to revive the kind of technologically optimistic, futurist-oriented culture displayed here.
  4. 1:29 - Vehicles electronically paced -- is reality with computer controlled cruise control. 
  5. I wanted to see Godzilla stomp through that miniature city.
  6. y must now the world be shit
  7. This is not the 1950s but the 1964 worlds fair.
  8. what a nightmare...
  9. What is the original source of this? I'd love to see the whole thing?
  10. Why wasn't the 20th century like that I thought about the titianic ship can fly it be a airship that be a retro thing
  11. Well the "City of the Future" did look pretty neat. Gosh they were environmentally ignorant.
  12. Really interesting. The trouble is that as the future arrives eveyrday by small changes - when will finally arrive (say 30 years hence) it's not a revelation. Now perhaps If I'd gone to live in a rain forest in 1981 I'm sure I would be amazed at present day technology. Thanks for the post

Additional Information:

Visibility: 11379

Duration: 2m 37s

Rating: 33