20 Most Amazing Architecture in China

Concept, photos, videos, examples, construction

From Beijing National Aquatics Center to Shanghai World Financial Center here are 20 Most Amazing Architecture in China! Subscribe to Talltanic http://goo.gl/wgfvrr # 10 Shanghai World Financial Center The Shanghai World Financial Center is one of the tallest skyscrapers in the world and easily the tallest building in Shanghai. It is distinguished by its unique shape, 101 stories and 1,621 feet/494.3 meters tall. It is a mixed space that has a ground level mall, hotels, office spaces, and observational decks. # 9 Beijing National Stadium The Beijing National Stadium was built in 2008 for the 2008 Summer Olympics. It’s also known as the Bird’s Nest because of the lattice structure that covers the whole structure. It has a capacity of 91,000 total and had a record attendance of nearly just as many people. Currently, it does not have much use. # 8 Beijing National Aquatics Center The Beijing National Aquatics Center was another structure built for the 2008 Summer Olympics. Although it’s not actually in the shape of a cube, it is colloquially known as the Water Cube. During the Olympics swimmers broke 25 world records but after the Olympics ended officials struggled to find a use for the building. Now, after a 200 million Yuan (you-en) revamp it has turned into an indoor Water Park. It is also slated to host curling events at the 2022 Winter Olympics. # 7 The Lotus Building In Wujin, China is the Lotus Building, a building that looks like a floating, lit lotus flower floating on a pool of water. It was built by the Australian architecture firm Studio 505 and obviously modeled after the iconic lotus flower. It is a flashy building that serves as the building for the city planning bureau - a major upgrade for a bureaucratic government committee. # 6 Ring of Life The Ring of Life is a super clean structure in Fushun, China and stands at 515 feet tall. It is a giant steel structure in the shape of a giant shape. It has an observation deck, and it is lit up by 12,000 LED lights. The strange thing is that it is built out in the middle of nowhere as a way to attract a tourist industry to the area. It used around 3,000 tons of steel and cost around $16 million US dollars. # 5 New Century Global Center The New Century Global Center is known as the biggest building by volume in the world. It is famous for the fact that 20 of the Sydney Opera House could fit inside of it. Inside of this center in Chengdu is an amazing amount of facilities like an entire University Complex, one of the biggest shopping centers in the world, an entire IMAX theater, and a faux Mediterranean village. # 4 Phoenix International Media Center This building is the home for Phoenix Satellite Television and is officially called the Phoenix International Media Center but is colloquially known as the Little Bird’s Nest. It is reportedly modeled after a Mobius strip which is why it has a round shape and continuous surface. It has office space and recording studios for everything in the production pipeline of Phoenix TV which is a Hong Kong broadcasting firm that distributes to mainland China. It is not only stylish but takes green practices into account, and the surfaces of the building collect rainwater to be recycled. # 3 Zoho Peaks The Zoho Peaks in Beijing were designed to look like a cluster of mountains, and they certainly live up to their namesake. They are a mixed space building utilized as both a retail space and office complex, but primarily it decorates the Beijing skyline with a unique looking building. # 2 Coiling Dragon Cliff This skin-tingling glass walk is the Coiling Dragon skywalk is installed 984 feet up on the Tianmen (chee-ann-min) Mountain in one of China’s national parks. It is a 100 meter or 110-yard long walk on an almost completely transparent glass structure. Parts of the skywalk overlook the popular Tongtian Avenue, a mountain path that has 99 turns and snakes into the Tianmen mountain. The walkway is more than stable, but you can see tourists clinging to the cliff afraid of falling while the bolder of heart sit directly on the glass overlooking the deathly fall. # 1 Linked Hybrid This building from Steven Holl Architecture firm has been called a city within a city because of the plethora of different facilities that use the space inside. The Linked Hybrid has been named the best tall building of Australia and Asia because it comes with office space, education facilities, even a jazz club. The building itself consists of eight different towers that are linked together by sky bridges. It’s a compound that seeks to streamline city life by minimizing the amount of time people have to commute every day.


  1. 湾湾要高潮了“台北怎么是中国的一部分”
  2. nice video
  3. I love China
  4. China is a greedy country. they have everything but still want everyone's land.
  5. The new one, Grand Canyon Glass Bridge at Zhangjiajie.
  6. 哈哈101
  7. library
  8. After hearing Taipei 101 I immediately scrolled down to the comment section.
    Was not disappointed, people are still dreaming Taiwan being a legitimate country. LOL
  9. so,Taiwan is a part of China😏be minder
  10. Taiwan's official name is "Republic of China"
    so it is China.
    sorry for breaking the heart of some people.
  11. I am from IOK bt. u believe it or not,I like cHiNa+its people whether rich or poor.About this CHINA CAN DO MORE THEN THIS so I firstly liked it.
  12. All wrong. China is part of Taiwan.
  13. I know this is a historic building. But I think the Forbidden City it's one of the most unique architecture in the world, even until this day. Visited there last year, a fantastic and well designed whole building complex with perfectly accurate angles and layout. It could easily fit one hundred thousand people in there.
  14. Wow
  15. "20 Most Amazing Architecture in China"  Horrible grammar and use of words.  Such an awkward title.
  16. Amazing progress of china.
  17. Please give credits to the architects...?
  18. Taipei 101??? So triggered. /s
  19. big pants and big cock
  20. 4-5 nice building in Beijing,China to attract tourism .. and then you watch this and never think again of visit this smoggy place > https://www.theguardian.com/weather/video/2017/jan/03/beijing-skyline-swallowed-by-smog-cloud-in-timelapse-footage-video

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