20 Years of Democracy through the Lens of South African Art

Concept, photos, videos, examples, construction

In reflecting on 20 years of South Africa's democracy, a group of artists in Johannesburg have tapped into the major themes in our ambient culture to emerge with a fascinating exhibition of artworks that distil some of the key issues dominating our national discourse at this important juncture in South African history. SACSIS' Fazila Farouk caught up with curator of the exhibition, Farieda Nazier at the Ithuba Art Gallery and discovered that violence, censorship, racism, patriarchy and politics are key themes that stood out for the artists. The exhibition titled "Tension Torsion" was sponsored by the National Arts Council, Ithuba Art Gallery and University of Johannesburg's Centre for Education Rights and Transformation.


    Additional Information:

    Visibility: 2107

    Duration: 15m 4s

    Rating: 6