2015 Rowlett Lecture

Concept, photos, videos, examples, construction

Futurist, architect and structural engineer Chris Luebkeman, director of the Global Foresight, Research and Innovation team at Arup, a renowned global design, planning, engineering and consulting firm, presented the 2015 Rowlett Lecture, "Apex of Architecture: Designing on a Social Conscience," Oct. 23 at the Annenberg Presidential Conference Center on Texas A&M University’s College Station campus. The lecture series, which showcases the world’s most prestigious design firms, is hosted annually by the CRS Center for Leadership and Management in the Design and Construction Industry at the Texas A&M College of Architecture. For more information: http://bit.ly/rowlett_15


    Additional Information:

    Visibility: 109

    Duration: 0m 0s

    Rating: 1