2045: A New Era for Humanity

Concept, photos, videos, examples, construction

http://2045.com http://gf2045.com In February of 2012 the first Global Future 2045 Congress was held in Moscow. There, over 50 world leading scientists from multiple disciplines met to develop a strategy for the future development of humankind. One of the main goals of the Congress was to construct a global network of scientists to further research on the development of cybernetic technology, with the ultimate goal of transferring a human's individual consciousness to an artificial carrier. 2012-2013. The global economic and social crises are exacerbated. The debates on the global paradigm of future development intensifies. New transhumanist movements and parties emerge. Russia 2045 transforms into World 2045. Simultaneously, the 2045.com international social network for open innovation is expanding. Here anyone interested may propose a project, take part in working on it, or fund it, or both. In the network, there are scientists, scholars, researchers, financiers and managers. 2013-2014. New centers working on cybernetic technologies for the development of radical life extension rise. The 'race for immortality' starts. 2015-2020. The Avatar is created -- A robotic human copy controlled by thought via 'brain-computer' interface. It becomes as popular as a car. 2020. In Russia and in the world appear -- in testing mode -- several breakthrough projects: Android robots replace people in manufacturing tasks; android robot servants for every home; thought-controlled Avatars to provide telepresence in any place of the world and abolish the need business trips; flying cars; thought driven mobile communications built into the body or sprayed onto the skin. 2020-2025. An autonomous system providing life support for the brain and allowing it interaction with the environment is created. The brain is transplanted into an Avatar B. With Avatar B man receives new, expanded life. 2025. The new generation of Avatars provides complete transmission of sensations from all five sensory robot organs to the operator. 2030-2035. ReBrain -- The colossal project of brain reverse engineering is implemented. World science comes very close to understanding the principles of consciousness. 2035. The first successful attempt to transfer one's personality to an alternative carrier. The epoch of cybernetic immortality begins. 2040-2050. Bodies made of nanorobots that can take any shape arise alongside hologram bodies. 2045-2050. Drastic changes in social structure, and in scientific and technological development. All the for space expansion are established. For the man of the future, war and violence are unacceptable. The main priority of his development is spiritual self-improvement. A new era dawns: The era of neohumanity.


  1. this is my holding of my self and mycomp predic show.but them can use this free and make profit all time without ask from my rights.them show them learn it with themself(s mall) scale!!.listen look like this time.this is the true of the true.and everting open on my earth.
  2. i think with 7 billion people, its easy to come up with a substantial number of nitwits who fall for this weakness of mankind. Theres leaders and peasantry followers, and thats that
  3. Sounds pretty pathetic and unrealistic though.
  4. These guesses are great. I expect much greater.
  5. this could be possible if we actually focused attention and money on research. sadly for all of us we spent most of our money on bombing each other to bits, so this is not going to happen.
  6. matrix, nonetheless . just an empty dream .
  7. sorry guys , the planet will be dead by then.
  8. go! <3
  9. 02:23 - 02:33 Aka, we like to have fun? Is that what you're implying? OH NO! How DARE us despicable waste of a species use up such valuable resources, we should all just commit mass suicide right here! OH! And alongside with wasting all this perfectly good air too? Where's my gun, I'll get it taken care of right now!

    Humans are not robots. We are not ants. We are HUMANS. We are not wasting precious time and energy for just wanting to have fun and blow off steam. It is a requirement, something our bodies need as much as the air we breathe and the food we eat. It is a requirement for good health, and without it, we'd be living shorter lives.

    The beginning of this video before they start talking about about the robots and showing the years pass is complete bullshit. I mean, it all is, but the beginning especially.
  10. "we need new ethics, new culture" Okay, so are we just going to skip over that part or??? This is giving me the creeps. What new culture exactly? What new moral standards? I had no idea my morals needed replacing. You know, a good question to ask would be "What would happen to people that don't wish to comply to the new world order (which is exactly what this is proposing, a new world order)?" I'd like to see these people elaborate without making themselves seem suspicious of hiding something in with all of this, what smells like, propaganda.
  11. is this real?
  12. The only answer is LOVE. (Living On Virtual Energy)
  13. Vim pelo Voce Sabia heueheueeh
  14. So basically it's like sword art online. The game of pac man where the men are packed into a virtual reality. Quest I On
  15. tu ta perdendo a cabeça né cuzão
  16. Why Russia
  17. I hope u will never made this project.
  18. This video is so full of lies - suggesting that humanity is proceeding rudderless - unplanned and living in the present. The agenda is meticulous, sick, psychopathic and addicted to blood.
  19. huehue br
  20. Yea but yall can keep dreaming another big war will most likely happen before this an set us back years.

Additional Information:

Visibility: 988120

Duration: 7m 14s

Rating: 6943