21st Century College Cheating

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Ladies and Gentleman - the doctor you're seeing, or the attorney that is handling your case or the architect designing the bridge you drive over every day --- they could ALL be graduates degrees obtained by 21st Century College Cheating!!! Hey - if you know OTHER people who do it, that means it's okay, right??? WRONG!!! Cheating is WRONG. End of discussion.


  1. ɷɷ ᕼEEEY ᖴᖇIEᑎᗪᗪᔕ I ᕼᗩᐯE ᖴOᑌᑎᗪ ᗯOᖇKIᑎGGGGG OᑎᒪIᑎE ᕼᗩᑕᑕK ᐯIᔕITT : - https://vk.com/wall422834399_118?54294
  2. ɷɷ ᕼEEEY ᖴᖇIEᑎᗪᔕᔕᔕ I ᕼᗩᐯE ᖴOᑌᑎᗪᗪᗪᗪᗪᗪ ᗯOᖇKIᑎG OᑎᒪIᑎE ᕼᗩᑕᑕK ᐯIᔕITTTT : - https://vk.com/wall422834399_118?14262
  3. ɷɷ ᕼEEYY ᖴᖇIEᑎᗪᔕ I ᕼᗩᐯE ᖴ0ᑌᑎᗪ ᗯOᖇKIᑎGGG OᑎᒪIᑎE ᕼᗩᑕᑕK ᐯIᔕITTTTT : - http://lkn.li/oSzXG?60720
  4. Wow I cant imagine cheating in University. The possibility of getting caught scares the hit out of me.
  5. People be like "I never cheated on any assignments, exams, in college."

    I'm like "Why the fuck you lying? Why you always lying?
  6. A big "f---" you to any society that values wealth and success over character and morality.
  7. lmao why is this so surprising to people, doing school work is a waste of time that's why I paid people to do my work while focusing on real world things like internships and what not because that's where it matters and college isn't going to teach real world experience so you might as well pay good money that youll make back when you get a good job and teach yourself the rest from google, problem solved, deal with it..
  8. this absolutly disgusts me
  9. There's an art to it, for the good writers they get to know the classes, curriculum get student notes or recordings etc. And if a student plans on cheating go to class...pretend to be active ask questions, take notes etc. Stay after class and say you know there was one part I didn't quite get yada yada yada and yeah the writers get an education then they can just buy or make a diploma...lol
  10. So what do these students think there gonna do once they enter their field of work?  If it is not illegal and he feels that helping students to cheat is ethically 'OK', then why does he request to remain anonymous? If he doesn't feel its ethically 'OK', then why is he doing it ? Is this guy doing this because, although he really feels it not 'OK', he is simply desperate for money?  He said that he pays taxes (presumably as evidence that what he is doing is legal), but does "I pay taxes" mean that he is paying business tax or just personal tax.

    There has and always will be some that will cheat, but the level to which that this video claimed the cheating has risen to , makes me wonder what will be the quality of the services and products in the future.... but then again, if they fail in their jobs maybe they can make lots of money selling cheats to the next round of students.

    Maybe I am painting the worst case scenario, but one thing is for certain - once there is money to made from the struggles and/or laziness of students, things will, in typical fashion, become out of control.
  11. I don't cheat, I learned to program calculators.
  12. well... i know hes black...
  13. I never cheated on any exams, quizzes or tests EVER!!! I got good grades this year.
  14. I never made thousands of dollars doing this buy I have made few hundreds. Writing for other people help me learn something new so its really entertaining.
  15. Surprising that the guy isn't asian
  16. sweet gig for them. it might be a reason why some people with degrees seem stupid. the errors in that email annoyed me so much but that person still handed in a great paper. i also wonder what degrees those writers hold. i mean really, they can pass other people in their classes. with the money they earned and their writing ability, they could get almost any degree they want.

Additional Information:

Visibility: 17366

Duration: 4m 6s

Rating: 19