21st Century School Design - SchenkelShultz

Concept, photos, videos, examples, construction

SchenkelShultz is constantly exploring the ever-evolving nature of 21st Century Education design. This short set of animations illustrates our latest effort of establishing a state-of-the-art facility, encouraging collaboration and flexibility while promoting learning through incorporated technologies. These two prototypes (one urban and one suburban) help to describe how 21st Century educational spaces can utilize a variety of elements, infused with advanced technologies and careful planning, to maximize the education experience for students and teachers. These state-of-the-art facilities are planned around technology resource centers, expandable and flexible learning rooms, centers of discovery, and technology enabled active learning (TEAL) labs, all with the goal of teaching today's students to learn and thrive with 21st Century tools.


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Additional Information:

Visibility: 12473

Duration: 4m 21s

Rating: 29