25 Home improvement ideas #2

Concept, photos, videos, examples, construction

More info related to our 25 home improvement idea Part 1 of this video [ Number 1-12] is https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6pwBg0VLskM Info: Press CC to turn on subtitles if the video is not clear enough for you ---------------------------------------- 13. Replace the rod in your coat closet with new hooks. http://www.simphome.com/go/25-home-improvement-13/ 14. How to Caulk Trim Molding https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gHLhBDUIOZ8 15. Add vintage shutters to a bookcase. http://www.simphome.com/go/25-home-improvement-15/ 16. Use square molding to frame a mirror (no miter saw necessary). http://www.simphome.com/go/25-home-improvement-16/ 17. Or just glue tiles around the border. http://www.simphome.com/go/25-home-improvement-17/ 18. Make a classy gallery wall for $20 or less. http://www.simphome.com/go/25-home-improvement-ideas-18/ IKEA http://www.ikea.com/us/en/catalog/products/00232830/#/20232829 19. Hang mirrors on your bifold closet doors. http://www.simphome.com/go/15-home-improvement-ideas-19/ 20. 3 DIY Room Decor https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HsxzFUOaspQ 21. Use a bookcase as a headboard. http://www.simphome.com/go/25-home-improvement-ideas-21/ 22. Simple drinking spot for your balcony out of a piece of countertop and table legs. http://www.simphome.com/go/25-home-improvement-ideas-22/ 23. Use quarter-round molding for instant, to get easy glass shelving. http://www.simphome.com/go/25-home-improvement-ideas-23/ 24. Paneled antique doors you always wanted with molding. http://www.simphome.com/go/25-home-improvement-ideas-24/ 25. A shower like a window with two curtains/ http://www.simphome.com/go/25-home-improvement-ideas-25/ Music: Youtube audio library More info about home decor at simphome.com


  1. um...why not just remove the glass as you paint?
  2. big write up blocks the view of this video after the mirror tile surround beginning.
  3. The styrofoam ball with cupcake liners looks like ... (drum roll ) ... a styrofoam ball with cupcake liners, not a floral arrangement..
  4. Why not just LEAVE THE GLASS OUT while you paint the frame!!!!!!!
  5. What an annoying sounding narrator.
  6. @5:10 😶😶😶😶😶
  7. on number 17, doesn't it bother you that the mesh on the rear of the tiles is clearly visible. It ends up looking like a ten dollar job, not an 18 dollar job. I guess it's good enough for a suburban home, but not someone with any taste would put in their house.
  8. wonderful ideas and loved your candle
  9. GOOD IDEAS!!!
  10. came here for the bar over the balcony
  11. i like ur diy ideas:)
    hmm u sound familiar though. like ur from another channel i used to watch. its like a self help channel but it kinda stopped making vids like 2 years ago.
  12. Really good ideas!
  13. Good ideas! I'm going to incorporate a few of them.. I liked those bathroom mirror tips, time to get busy. Thanks!!
  14. kitchen window shelves... perfect for herbs and not doing the atrium window. Perfect idea
  15. Dumb
  16. you can't just use someone else's video in yours like that. your channel could be taken down.
  17. see that little hole on yr caulk gun? It cuts yr caulk tube. Stick it in and squeeze
  18. outstanding ideas. keep them coming
  19. I love your videos 😊

Additional Information:

Visibility: 461148

Duration: 8m 58s

Rating: 7699