30-Story Building Built In 15 Days (Time Lapse)

Concept, photos, videos, examples, construction

What can you accomplish in 360 hours? The Chinese sustainable building company, Broad Group, has achieved another impossible feat - building a 30-story tall hotel in 360 hours. You may ask "why so fast?" and "is it safe?" Prefabricated modular buildings have many advantages: Higher precision in fabrication (+/- 0.2mm). More coordinated on-site construction management. Shorter construction time span. Lower construction waste. Health and Energy efficiency.


  1. ɷ ᕼEEEY ᖴᖇIEᑎᗪᔕ I ᕼᗩᐯE ᖴ0ᑌᑎᗪᗪᗪᗪᗪ ᗯOᖇKIᑎGGGG OᑎᒪIᑎE ᕼᗩᑕᑕK ᐯIᔕITTTTT : - https://vk.com/wall422777979_251?99361
  2. How they gonna remove the crane ?
  3. just like ants
  4. Amazing an army of Chinese working day and night making an Ikea quality hotel.
  5. No wonder why their buildings are always collapsing by earthquakes...
  6. no health and safety followed 1 earth quake it a be back down
  7. does anyone else think of lego movie when seeing this?
  8. amazing.
  9. the building was put together in 15 days but not build
  10. well, it is only the assembly that took 15 days, not counting the pre-fabrication process and the weight testing on the soil before building the structure.
  11. What is that music in the background?
  12. did they build up that crane into it?
    or its a decorative part like, a building with a yellow crane at the top
  13. Technically most prefab buildings we use in the US are built like this, and if companies were paid a flat fee instead of by the hour - we would have buildings as fast as this, if not faster.

    If you took in the time took to prefab the components, it was probably far longer - however this type of building is actually really useful as restoration for areas hit by disasters and economic revitalization and replanning which china desperately needs.
  14. And it took my house 9 months to build...:/
  15. On another note if anyone is looking for permit plans and or just need design work contact me and I can give you my email and show some portfolio work.
  16. i doubt the quality a little bit
  17. would you trust a building made in China.. first rain and it will shrink to a 5 story building..
  18. They deserve an award for that!
  19. The main reason it takes so long to complete such task in US is the strict regulation, to avoid liability. Also, we have human rights, you can't make people work 24 hrs everyday with out any break! But , we do need to improve...this is impressing!

Additional Information:

Visibility: 2734566

Duration: 2m 32s

Rating: 6662