3ds Max Tutorial - Organic Form in 3ds Max

Concept, photos, videos, examples, construction

This video shows some different options to model a form that was done in Revit. You can import from Revit, but someone asked me to make the video on how I might model this shell in 3ds Max.


  1. thank you so much, it is on of the BEST tutorials
  3. Here from ART 1106 Rogers Class....
  4. Thank you so much for the upload! This really helps me a lot. Lots of appreciation! :)
  5. thank for sharing. this help me a lot
  6. Gerald siu
  7. Thanks a tonne. I was looking for something like this for a while. Great explanation and I love how you showed multiple approached.
  8. thank you so much. it really helped me alot. i mean, it is better to teach in this way how we can imply to our model rather than create the whole damn models.. u know.:) hope these kinds of videos to be uploaded more ! thank you once again :D
  9. May anyone teach me how to make the mouse pointer color ? I mean the red color orbit (hope people called it orbit) around the mouse.
    And I saw people's pointer will become a complete orbit once done selection also.
  10. Excellent.  I always forget how versatile the FFD mod can be.  One question.   Why did you switch from local to world?
  11. Brilliant! Thanks a lot! It's really usefull
  12. like it very much!  demonstrations on each method are very clear, please do more tutorials
  13. Thank you ! Great video.
  14. From one Paul to another this is one of the best tutorials on Spline to organic I've seen. I use FFD a lot while box modelling. You also explained this very well. subscribed 
  15. You are amazing! I've been looking for a decent tutorial of this for so long. I hope you upload more videos :)
  16. Amazing! It's incredible - from the point of view of a beginner like me... - how a couple of tools (FFD 4x4x4 and Soft Selection) can ease your work and boost it faster and smoother in just a few, simple...let's say "chirurgical" adjustments! Thank you Mr. Fatkins!
  17. your Style in the Explain better than of the company's representatives
    thank you ^^
    Some Of Company representatives: (
    3ds Max Spline Modeling Technique
  18. Amazing .... Thanx a lot ... now i can finish my project hehe
  19. thanks alot I learned a lot with your video
  20. Thanks Paul, you are the best.

Additional Information:

Visibility: 87502

Duration: 11m 45s

Rating: 610