5 THINGS TO DO IN MIAMI // ME Time Series - Contiki #NOREGRETS

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SUBSCRIBE for more to feed your wanderlust http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=contiki New destination every Tuesday! Art deco architecture, Latin influenced culture, and awesome beaches are just some of the reasons Miami should be on everyone's bucketlist. Here we explore what to do in your free time in this vibrant city. Each episode of the ME Time Series explores 5 awesome things to do in a different city around the world each week. Check out trips to Miami: http://conti.ki/miami At Contiki we exist to connect young people to the time of their lives - with trips for 18-35 year old through Europe, North America, Latin America, Australia, Asia & New Zealand. You only have one life, one shot, so make it count #NOREGRETS http://www.twitter.com/contiki http://www.instagram.com/contiki http://www.facebook.com/contiki http://www.contiki.com


  1. I have been to Florida many times. And I have to say it is my favorite state in the U.S. and my favorite place to visit is Florida.
  2. the 5 things are already awesome, cant imagine what more there will be
  3. I'm from Miami. You definitely have to check out the museums and Wynwood!! Also, Wynwood has a thing called Art Walk once a month and the whole part of town turns into like an "art district" and there's break dancers, DJs, street artists, eye.
  4. Anyone know this beautiful song?:)
  5. what is that song?:D

Additional Information:

Visibility: 7743

Duration: 1m 12s

Rating: 110