56 Sandpiper Drive, St Augustine: Oceanfront Art Deco

Concept, photos, videos, examples, construction

http://www.MeetSeanHess.com From Sean Hess, SA Realty, call/text 904-386-8327 or email Sean@StAugTeam.com and 56Sandpiper.com Lured by its big windows with views of the ocean sunrise, the couple that purchased this 1978 Ranch knew they had to renovate. Art Deco, with its rich colors, high gloss materials, and bold geometric designs was the perfect motif for making this home—and its fabulous beach location—come alive instantly. And what a location! Sitting on a full acre, dunes of salt-tolerant plants, wildflowers, and native succulents provide a gorgeous backdrop for the ocean, as well as doing the double duty of protecting this home from storms. As part of the home’s renovation, a metal, 50-year roof rated to 200 MPH was installed (with screws every foot), and rolling hurricane shutters were added. In October 2016, when many island properties were impacted by Hurricane Matthew, this home was not damaged and did not flood—even though it sits directly on the ocean.


    Additional Information:

    Visibility: 80

    Duration: 4m 1s

    Rating: 1