7 Architecture Facts pt.20 | Structure, Stonehenge, Sydney & Modernism

Concept, photos, videos, examples, construction

This video is about; The Gambrel roof and its configuration, The Sydney Opera House and it’s construction, Stonehenge - why it's important and how it got there, The term architect and it’s use in all 50 states, legal use of the word architect, is it legal to use the term architect if you’re not one, A rule of thumb for determining the size of a structural member for wood spans, wood structures, The rose window in Gothic Architecture and Cathedrals, and the term Modern and Modernism - where it came from and why it’s important. This is a video series about facts in architecture. The 15 second videos featured in the series are created by Doug and posted every day on his Instagram account @dougpatt. http://www.howtoarchitect.com https://www.instagram.com/dougpatt/


  1. cool
  2. Really interesting videos! Thank you for your efforts.
  3. as always thank you for the refreshers
  4. "Every nation has its own architectural styles. Modernism is an international style; It is built everywhere but belongs nowhere."
  5. Am I the only who's tired of overused modern and minimalist building and home designs? I live in a tropical Asian country and minimalist homes and shophouses are everywhere. They look so tacky in the middle of hot, dusty and polluted city streets.

Additional Information:

Visibility: 3738

Duration: 2m 24s

Rating: 96