A Brief Guide to Futurist Art and Futurism

Concept, photos, videos, examples, construction

Created by Alex Fox for Hubpages. For more information please visit http://alex-fox.hubpages.com/video/A-Brief-Guide-to-Futurist-Art-and-Futurism


  1. anyone can tell me that wat media are used when creating a artwork? my grammar suck very sry
  2. Marinetti wrote, "We will glorify war—the world's only hygiene—militarism, patriotism, the destructive gesture of freedom-bringers, beautiful ideas worth dying for, and scorn for woman". Was this guy joking or serious? Sounds like an evil mad man.
  3. How can anyone glorify war? It's insane.
  4. Everyone always mentions the speed and aggression of futurism. To me it's fearless and disturbingly certain in the first place. I keep coming back to it although I actually hate it :)
  5. this is really good
  6. that was lovely! Thank you!
  7. very nice intro to futurism!
  8. Здесь был Димка

Additional Information:

Visibility: 44433

Duration: 6m 41s

Rating: 237