"A Confession Told in the Structure of Every Taylor Swift Song"

Concept, photos, videos, examples, construction

written + performed by Dylan Marron for TOO MUCH LIGHT MAKES THE BABY GO BLIND (Created by Greg Allen). filmed on December 8 by Natalie Molina & Hillary Osborn at The Kraine Theater in New York City.


  1. Imagine Todd watching this
  2. It's said what people will do in front of a crowd to get attention.
  3. great job! try to be funny next time tho.
  4. Dylan why are you so hilarious
  5. I'm in actual tears Dylan Marron is fucking hilarious
  6. but the question is.. is this an actual confession
  7. I love this so much! !!!
  8. What does he say at 1:15?
  9. i'll be honest, when i read the title of this video, this is not what i thought i would be watching. but i laughed pretty hard. dylan marron is probably my favorite person.
  10. This is one of the best things I've seen on the internet.  Absolutely brilliant.
  11. Imagine Carlos doing this in front of Cecil XD
  12. God, he's perfect <3
  13. This is the best thing I have ever seen.
  14. Aka Carlos does science and makes discoveries about humans.
  15. He's gay and can only get off on straight porn.

    I have the exact opposite problem.
  16. Oh Dylan I love you
  17. AMAZING!!!!
  18. Yeaah. Talkin' about porn to a crowd like it ain't no thang. He has the makings of a very promising Carlos.
  19. Ladies and gentleman (or whatever creature you are) please give a warm welcome to the new Carlos the scientist. 

Additional Information:

Visibility: 20186

Duration: 2m 11s

Rating: 468