A Day Made of Glass... Made possible by Corning. (2011)

Concept, photos, videos, examples, construction

Watch "A Day Made of Glass" and take a look at Corning's vision for the future with specialty glass at its heart. Learn more about Corning at corning.com. Search for career opportunities at corning.com/careers.


  1. If only future could be this nice :)
  2. my teacher showed this to me in 1st grade and now i'm in 6th. jeez i thought none of this was possible back then. but wow this is awesome.
  3. It's been 6 years hurry up people lol.
  4. This is clearly far, far in the future. Homelessness has been eradicated, peace on earth, etc, etc. Not only does the wife have to manually drive her car but her car still runs on fossil fuel.
  5. whoa
  6. when will it be sold I want it
  7. i hate when they kiss....so i cant tell it to my family ;(
  8. i didnt know you cooked eggs on full in the future
  9. Sergeant showed this to us in JROTC back in high school. Pretty cool video. :)
  10. Teenage guys. this is the next level of Porn and highly advance masturbation glass sex toy . oooh that gotta hurt. xD
  11. nowadays with smartphones, small kids is using their tablets or phone at a young age, sooner or later when the new generation of children is using this corning thing, their vision will soon be fucked up until their older or maybe blind becuz every second they will be looking a digital stuff. good luck new generations ;) ur eyes will be fucked
  12. I love the music.
  14. the car is not driving itself .
  15. Estoy aqui por la profe de informática :v
  16. we're getting closer and closer
  17. Just what I REALLY need in my life, a screen on my kitchen counter..... anything to avoid tearing my eyes away to interact with humans for the 20 minutes I'm cooking. Maybe we can put a screen on that kids face and have it tied to a drone to make their bed for them and brush their teeth.
  18. Bruh, it's 2017. What is going on?
  19. yes!
  20. It's a cool idea but probably not going to happen. I think the closest thing I've seen to this is the Scrolls in RWBY

Additional Information:

Visibility: 26106845

Duration: 5m 33s

Rating: 89895