A Look at Future Cars - From the 1950's - Car Safety Cartoon

Concept, photos, videos, examples, construction

Your Safety First - A John Sutherland toon from the 1950's shows news headlines about space travel and tax cuts while Dad contemplates buying a new car on Oct. 5, 2000. With a computerized home, a 4 hour work day, and cars that drive themselves! A comic history view of the auto industry's "remarkable inventions" making cars better and safer. George O'Hanlon was the actor for this film, before he became George Jetson in The Jetsons.


  1. Jetsons pilot episode? e.e
  2. 7:07 except in England.
  3. 2017....
  4. ..... And then A, B, and C pillars got thicker so you couldn't see outside of your car; rims got dangerously large for "style"; airbags spewed shrapnel into your face; engines got turbocharged, making power delivery unpredictable; tire compounds got harder, offering less grip; etc... etc... etc...

    The future isn't what it once was!
  5. The victory dividend was squandered on feminism and welfare.

  6. It's not so much that they overestimated innovation, but that they underestimated the force of government in our industries.
  7. La visión de 1950 era bestial todo lo que muestran ahi sucede hoy en dia jajaja
  8. Could you imagine if the fools from today drove flying cars? We'd all be dead!
  9. They should do a new one. Cars in the year 2070 - the next 50 years. It would be easy because there won't be any cars in 2070.
  10. My god, it's The Jetsons!!!
  11. So...this thing predicted things like

    - scooters that drove people in the sitting position indoors (segways and rascals)
    -computers that sat on a secretary's desk and was available for arbitrary inquiries unrelated to a specific work function (PCs and the Internet)
    -Self-Driving Cars (Google just recently made that a reality)
    -The ability to communicate with other people in a moving vehicle from our moving vehicle (cell phone technology)
    -Pellets replacing food (the astronauts have ration blocks that approach this)
    -3-D entertainment systems (hologram tech exists, and things like the Oculus Rift and VIVE have made 3-D interactive experiences unprecedented...so I say this has happened)

    Minus the predictions about the moon, I'd say it got a rather incredible number of things spot on (if 15 years off).
  12. "Back in the 1950s, cars became so safe that even the President could ride around comfortably in his convertible."
  13. We are so far behind schedule... We're going to need a scapegoat.
  14. Well, why didn't they continue with the history of cars after the 50's? :)
  15. i see march 30 2017
  16. I think the 1960s TV show The Jetsons copied this.
  17. Well, this did predict self-driving cars.
  18. Well The 3D TV was not that far off
  19. Imagine what road rage would be like if they had developed that car to car communication system.
  20. It's come true , the desire to expel no effort. now look we're all fat obese

Additional Information:

Visibility: 421630

Duration: 12m 38s

Rating: 2346