A Vision of Students Today

Concept, photos, videos, examples, construction

a short video summarizing some of the most important characteristics of students today - how they learn, what they need to learn, their goals, hopes, dreams, what their lives will be like, and what kinds of changes they will experience in their lifetime. Created by Michael Wesch in collaboration with 200 students at Kansas State University. Music by Try^d: http://tryad.org/listen.html Download higher quality wmv: http://www.mediafire.com/?ajm0lzxh223 mov version: http://www.mediafire.com/?3xbhmdmsfmd More information: http://mediatedcultures.net/ksudigg/?p=119 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 License. So you are welcome to download it, share it, even change it, just as long as you give me some credit and you don't sell it or use it to sell anything.


  1. It's been 10 years since this video came out. I would love to see a new one, to see how things changed.
  2. who is watching in 2017,  thumbs up)))
  3. Amazing video! Your introduction skill is superb. keep up the good work :)
  4. this video is such a horrendous, deplorable and clichéd piece of shit, i honestly don't get why you people here are so touched by it. and if i were the camera man i'd choped my own hands off
  5. We are the Lambda group of students of an online Master Degree on E-Learning Pedagogy at Universidade Aberta - Portugal. Our teacher, António Teixeira, of Education and Society on the Web gave us the following duty: analyze and publish a post with a comment on your video. So here it is.

    Motivation is not only a word, but a challenge for teachers all over the world.
    “Is technology the answer?”
    And why not start a revolution on education? Or, better, let it continue?
    It’s a fact that students spend too many hours on social media and network. So, why not use these spaces as a classroom? Not a traditional classroom, but an open, student centered platform for everyone?
    Technology in itself is useless. Students and teachers need to use it in an efficient way to promote learning.
    “How hard can it be?” Incorporating social platforms in online education can increase motivation, decrease the costs of education and allow connection. This could be the answer to a very old question in Education. How do we motivate students and teachers?
  6. The disconnection between the reality and expectations of today’s student’s clashes with the formal way classes are taught. The social network has means that appeal to students of this generation, however, when confronted with the school system, their expectations aren’t meet. There is a need to revise practices in teaching. (MPeL-UAb Team Capa)
  7. 1B people make $1.00/day. TPP will allow the 1% to make YOU compete with them for your job. Hillary was pro TPP BRFORE Bernie made her be against it. She lies about EVERYTHING. So how are you going to pay of your $50-100k undergrad debt on Hilary's $1.00/day. She gets $250,000/hour + full floor hotel suite + private jet from Wall Street Banks for a speech. She ain't the Rolling Stones, so ask yourself; what does MORGAN STANLEY get in return? Who pays? YOU DO. Socialism = more central power and more political corruption. HILLARY IS THE ANTITHESIS OF SELF RULE; She has spent her lifetime making rules for others while ignoring them herself!
  8. Can anyone suggest a similar video that is more recent?
  9. Omg, this was in 2007, what about 2016, things are just 300% worse since 07.
  10. People still belive in god, in several gods I think...They are all true gods to them. So what's the point of schools...Who is Steven Hawking?
  11. I think it would be cool to see an updated one of these from now vs 8 years ago. I saw this when I was back in college and it was relevant then but I'm sure that things have changed drastically as more and more is moved to the internet and happens electronically. I think almost every class is offered as an online version in some form which changes the entire learning dynamic and the way that people interact with each other. There is no longer the need to communicate face to face with people if you don't want. Everything can be written down or copied and passed to another person without ever seeing them.
  12. I love how everyone is so honest about the issues we as students face today.
  13. This was made 8 years ago and is even more relevant today. Think about what technology has evolved in the past 8 years!!!
  14. i loved it...
    thanks 4 such a source
  15. Loved this video. Very introspective. Very relevant & true, almost 10 years later.
  16. I really like this video. I must tell you that I'm at college now and I find the system useless, I mean there's no sense in teaching like college teachers do. What can we do?
  17. anyone else come here because it was an example on how to cite a youtube video on PERSPECTIVES ON ARGUMENT?
  18. I wish i could get 7 hours of sleep but i'm still in highschool
  19. I think this video raises more questions than it actually answers.
  20. An intruiging video, just shows howIT rules the world today, and that using ICTs to enrich learning and teaching is most welcome to our children TODAY.

Additional Information:

Visibility: 5233358

Duration: 4m 45s

Rating: 14263