A Zero Energy Home : Green Technology Meets Architecture

Concept, photos, videos, examples, construction

By combining affordable residential energy with solar air conditioning and other energy conservation efforts with smart design the Zero Energy Home is not a futuristic dream but can be a reality today, well.... next year.


  1. Liked! Thanks for posting it... I started to do videos too, but never know if I can measure up to the better stuff out there lol!
  2. one of the technology that is world wide use in saving energy more..
  3. Looks like a mock up off of what SOLAREKIT,COM is offering with their green energy kits
  4. WORLD RECORD: BIGGEST WIND TURBINE Visit: ABOUTSOLARCELLS.COMXA.COM ZERO-NOISE from gears and generators since they're sealed underground. SAVES THE BIRDS AND BATS since the turbines are slow-moving. DOES NOT NEED TO OCCUPY A WIDER LANDSCAPE since the turbine can be very tall. MAY BE LOWER-COST since it can use parts of junked trucks and others. ELUDES HURRICANE FORCE since the blades automatically close. HELPS THE WIND ENERGY COMPANIES since it is FREE FOR ALL.
  6. Very good but how is that as nice to see as a 14th century cathedral or Georgian houses? This is pure functionalism and very seldom in architecture do functionalist plans work.
  7. If your building NEW construction, and you need to actively Heat or Cool your house; you need your Head examined.
  8. Looks fantastic and I know it works I link it trough ;-)

Additional Information:

Visibility: 15864

Duration: 3m 21s

Rating: 28