Abandoned Hackensack water company building 1882

Concept, photos, videos, examples, construction

This is a video of the old Hackensack water company building . It is undergoing renovations at the moment and is from 1882 . It was abandoned in 1991 .


  1. FYI: Hackensack Water Company, now United Water is owned by a French corporation. This building is slated to be destroyed in the near future.
  2. That's a beautiful building This comes from a time where things had style even Industrial Utility buildings prime example the building across the street modern and boring. Nothing wrong with renovations as long as the preserve as much of the original as they can. Good job i enjoyed the video!
  3. there's always asswipes who spoil it for the rest - let me know if you manage to get in and film it...but don't get caught!
  4. I have been inside this place and seen all the ancient machines and piping but because of brainless idiots who smashed the place to smithereens it is under heavy watch by police and security cameras . I have a few tricks up my sleeve and know I could get in on the wooded side per google earth images .
  5. for the sake of historical documentation...why don't you go inside and film
  6. Yeah me too . I will film anything that is old ancient or interesting . Thanks for commenting.
  7. thanks for sharing james. personally, i like filming old buildings like this one more than houses but what the hell, i'll film anything, lol. thanks again james.
  8. Yes they did . It is an extremely historical one of a kind building that was almost demolished but at the last minute was saved . That modern structure was part of the complex .
  9. It is the first of its kind in this area to use chlorinated river water .It should never have been abandoned . I remember when it was in near mint condition .Yeah better to preserve it then tear it down .
  10. Nice place! Good to see its being preserved

Additional Information:

Visibility: 696

Duration: 9m 53s

Rating: 11