Abandoned Paper Mill Part 1 (70's ART DECO OFFICE)

Concept, photos, videos, examples, construction

[Part 1 of 5] Enormous old paper mill. Includes history and Office 1 with 70's style deco. FOLLOW US @ theruinroad Facebook: theruinroad https://www.facebook.com/theruinroad Instagram: theruinroad https://www.instagram.com/theruinroad/?hl=en Twitter: theruinroad https://twitter.com/theruinroad FOR BUSINESS INQUIRIES OR DONATIONS EMAIL US AT theruinroad@gmail.com Enjoying our videos? Help us continue our explorations by donating: https://www.patreon.com/theruinroad Archive Footage: Adam's Historical Society Music: Sergey Cheremisinov - North http://freemusicarchive.org/music/Sergey_Cheremisinov/Sea__Night/Sergey_Cheremisinov_-_Sea__Night_-_06_North


    Additional Information:

    Visibility: 43

    Duration: 3m 1s

    Rating: 2