Abandoned Vintage Office

Concept, photos, videos, examples, construction

I created this video with the YouTube Video Editor (http://www.youtube.com/editor)


  1. they dance to ear rape
  2. Ok, so, the occupants of this mining? office seem to have just disappeared suddenly, leaving all this equipment and records behind in 1970? Obviously at some point while they were drilling for ore samples, they stumbled upon evidence of the hollow earth, and were immediately abducted by space aliens!!
  3. The calculator at about min 1:15 looks like a Merchant Electric electro-mechanical calculator.. probably 1930s or 40s. At first I thought it was a Friden, but I had to look it up.
  4. Really! Dancing tampons!
  5. What was with the vintage commercials? Interesting but would have been better if we had a camera view into all the drawers and less at the walls and toilet.
  6. OMG! Tampoons!
  7. What area state an town is this cool office building located at?
  8. Those two mechanical calculators are collectible!
  9. Did you leave the kitchen sink?
  10. Walking away from all those records....weird and crazy. All those green cabinets were the bomb!! Would like to have seen the dates on those documents on the clipboards on the wall. Probably he last actual work done in that place.
  11. WOW !! instead of exploring alls these guys were interested in was shit they could steal . Doesn't matter how long it's been sitting there the fact is it isn't there shit to take. Film making looters need to get a real job, they make legit explorors look bad 
  12. I have watched 100's of these abandoned building videos and I always chuckle when I see mountains of paperwork just left behind to rot. Having a job that requires a lot of useless paperwork which seldom gets a second glance after it is completed and knowing this is where it will end up some day just makes sigh. Thanks for posting this, it was interesting.
  13. 1:37 mimeograph machine ... ahhh, memories of that smell.
  14. My 'Lucky Strike' was lighting up a link to ur wondrous channel ... Ty much for sharing all the work; ur skill & efforts r my most recent discovery of hidden treasure! Have a safe day! Peace
  15. Geesh where the heck do you guys find these places lol?
  16. When Exploring you must take nothing but photographs back . I love these untouched place.. way better then the vandalized ones.
  17. like a CPAs assays office for a mine ?
  18. Jam Handy made commercial movies years ago. Also the Rudolph Christmas cartoon.
  19. How the hell does an office, any office, stay untouched for soooo long?? Where is this place? Need exterior shots.
  20. I remember when the dancing Lucky Strikes commercial used to play on TV. heh

Additional Information:

Visibility: 9628

Duration: 10m 58s

Rating: 77