Agatha Christie's Poirot: Curtain: Poirot's Last Case

Concept, photos, videos, examples, construction

Curtain: Poirot's Last Case, Wednesday 13 November at 8pm on ITV.


  1. Still not read to watch this.
  2. qu'elle tristésse  c'est trop dur de le voir mourire
  3. I just finished watching this and it was sad
  4. what is the classical music in the background?
  5. Does anyone know if the music used in this trailer is part of some piece or it's just a random TV music? 
  6. j'adore.j'ai hâte de voir le dernier épisode d" Hercule Poirot sur la chaîne française TMC;;
  7. I cried so hard when I read the book after reading all of his books (Agatha's I know) and now when I do finally bring myself to watch this final episode I am going to ball again. But I least I can still watch the reruns and re-read the books. Love this little man and this little man who plays him. 
  8. Cried. Damnit
  9. Ezt a pillantást soha nem feledem! These eyes I will never forget!
  10. Does anyone know the name of the piano pieces that was prominent in this episode?
  11. Too sad !
  12. I cried a little when he died. RIP Poirot.
  13. I read "Curtain" years ago.  It is very sad and final.
  14. Does anyone know the music to this advert?
  15. new book Sept. 2014  :) so new episodes from 2015 probably,we are Happy of course,I love Poirot
  16. may I ask where you take these videos?
  17. may I ask where you take these videos?
  18. finally, an official trailer for the final episode... sad.... but for good
  19. this is my favorite series. 

Additional Information:

Visibility: 68051

Duration: 0m 0s

Rating: 107