Agile Architecture & Design

Concept, photos, videos, examples, construction

In this presentation from JAXConf 2012, ThoughtWorks software architect Neal Ford investigates agile architecture and design, specifically addressing how big up-front architecture and design fail because of the unknown unknowns of a project. ** For more videos from JAXConf 2012, head to


  1. "In this presentation from JAXConf 2012, ThoughtWorks software architect Neal Ford investigates agile architecture and design, specifically addressing how big up-front architecture and design fail because of the unknown unknowns of a project."

    Wrong it is this statement, just got more proof that Software Architeture in Agile projects is the real way to go, its the future of software development. Waterfall and Agile solelly pure projects have some flaws that can be surpassed with Evolutive Architecture and Design.
  2. A well-designed structure can deal very well with unknown unknowns. Bad structures do everything badly.

Additional Information:

Visibility: 8966

Duration: 0m 0s

Rating: 69