Ajax Scout SV - British Army's futuristic Armoured Fighting Vehicle

Concept, photos, videos, examples, construction

Ajax is British Army's new armoured fighting vehicle replacing now retiring CVR Scimitar reconnaissance vehicles. 589 vehicles have been ordered with requirement for 1020. Total cost of the program for first batch of 589 vehicles came at £3.5bn or around £6.0 million per vehicle. Remaining batch 2 vehicles will be built after 2020, once Batch 1 is complete sometime in 2020. Reconnaissance, Armoured Personal Carrier, ELNIT, ISTAR, Infantry Fighting, Anti-tank are just some of the roles AJAX will be performing once it enters service in mid 2017. Credit: General Dynamics UK If you liked my video perhaps you might like my channel too, I create videos about Science & Technology, Space, Astronomy, Gameplay, Military technology and Environmental Architecture, Green and Eco news including latest on the photovoltaic, wind, solar and other renewable sources of energy such as Fusion Power. Please Subscribe if you like my videos, or press like. Please comment and if you have any question please ask, if I know the answer I'll try to Answer. You can also follow me on other sites. Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/mic_of_orion?ty=h you can help me with a monthly donations here. Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76... Twitter: https://twitter.com/mic_orion Google+: https://plus.google.com/b/11216989747... Facebook: https://en-gb.facebook.com/mic.orion Twitch : https://www.twitch.tv/micoforion


  1. like it can i have one
  2. its called ULAN ,,ASGOD it has been in service with the Austrian army over 20 years ,,its not new at all
  3. cvrt Scimitar is what its replacing not Scorpion, Scorpion had a 76mm gun and was pahsed out years ago nice video though
  4. The video i have been waiting for :-D

Additional Information:

Visibility: 13130

Duration: 2m 59s

Rating: 35