Al-Andalus History of Islam in Spain

Concept, photos, videos, examples, construction


  1. I like how westerns are trying so hard to deny this
  2. I love al-andaus 😘😘😘😘😘
  3. I came here to watch an objective historical account in a documentary about andalusia, and within 5 minutes of watching this, I found a pro-Islamic, pro-moor, anti-catholic, anti-western polemic instead. I suppose they teach history like this in our "Universities" as well. As-long as it's anti-western/anti-white, anti European culture, it's "in" and "cool" and reported as "real history". In future, I do not recommend beginning your documentary with straight forward propaganda. This is exactly what would pass off as "news" in today's society with no one even thinking about what was just said and how bias the reporting was.
  4. الأندلس فخر العرب 😍❤️
  5. history never says lie.
  6. muslims and europian in that time were very smart they let thier hates beside and started to built a very nice country not like today there is internet and everything but they still hate each other this world is amazing just put your hate beside and enjoy it
  7. If the Islam religion still being in Spain I swore Spain was the first and power contry in word
  8. The is the beautifull think in all the word , spain one day be to the real muslim in cha allah
  9. first of all , she called musliims moors , while they were arab and barber at the end they are muslims not moor , the spanish called muslims moors for those who stay in spain after the fallen
  10. I recommend watching "The Myth of the Andalusian Paradise" here on YouTube.
  11. salam .,m 30yrs old male ,single,indian..wel educated,religious,modern,rational..looking for same qualities in in sunni muslima ,female..pls contact if intersted in exporing your world
  12. Some informations re distorted
  13. the first note that Arab tourists noticed that Spaniards are like the Arabs in features
  14. Horrible historical research. Selective information and cherry-picked data to show the history that suits the author personal agenda. Disgraceful work for any historian. This video is bullshit. For whatever reason, people in the North never stopped fighting against Muslims, even when the laters where so peaceful and wonderful human beings. If Muslims were really received with "open arms", please, explain why part of the population fought them. Because the idea of accepting someone with open arms and at the same time fight them is not compatible. This video isn't even logical in its argumentation.
  15. Moors of Al Andalus as depicted in 16th 17th 18th & 19th Century Painting by various Caucasian European Artist.

    This is the description of the Arabs according to the reliable scholars of the past:

    Al-Mubarrad said: "The Arabs used to take pride in their asmar and black complexion and they used to hate a red (white) color and very fair color and they said that it was the color of the Persians."قال المبرد"العرب كانت تفتخر بالسمرة و السواد و كانت تكره الحمرة و الشقرة و تقول انها من ألوان العجم"

    Ibn Berry said: The Arabs describe their color as black and they describe the color of the Persians as red (white).و قال ابن بري: "العرب تصف ألوانها بالسواد و تصف ألوان العجم بالحمرة"

    Ibn Sayyida said: "...They are Arabs and their colors are adam, asmar, and black."قال ابن سيده ... فهم عرب، وألوانهم الأدمة والسمرة والسواد

    Abu Taalib Al-Nahwi said: "... It is said that he meant that he was a pure Arab because most Arabs are adam complexioned.قال أبو طالب النحوي: ... و قيل أراد أنه من خالص العرب و صميمهم لأن الغالب على ألوان العرب الأدمة.

    Ibn Mandhour said: "The color of the Arabs is asmar and adam - except for a minority who aren't."قال ابن منظور: "ألوان العرب السمرة و الأدمة الا قليلا"

    Mohamed ibn Ahmed Al-Azhari said:"Most Arabs are adam complexioned."* قال محمد بن أحمد الأزهري (صاحب التهذيب): "الغالب على ألوان العرب الأدمة".

    For those who still don't know what "adam" or "al-udma" means, read what Ibn Al-Sayyidah, a reliable scholar of the Arabic language who lived from 1007 to 1066, says here:

    السواد شدة الأدمة

    "Black means shadid al-udma (very adam)"

    He also says:

    الأصدأ والأدلم وهما الشديدا الأدمة،

    "Al-Asdaa and al-adlam are both shadid al-udma (very adam)."

    Remember that adlam means tall and jet black. Asdaa means a redness so dark that it is near black. Al-Tha'aalabi says:

    فإذا قَارَبَتْ حُمْرَتُهُ السَّوَادَ، فَهُوَ أَصْدَا مَأَخْوُذٌ مِن صَدَإٍ الحَدِيدِ

    "If a person's redness is near black, then he is asdaa, which is taken from the sadaa (rust) of iron."

    Ibn Sayyidah is used as a reference for all scholars of the Arabic language including Ibn Mandhour, the author of Lisan Al-Arab.
  16. Andalus will be our again inshAllah,you will remember Tarik ibn Zijad again
  17. Avocados cant be brought by the Moors, since they were discovered only after the discovery of the Americas.
  18. Denying people's history, is a crime.
  19. It is nice to see how muslims rulled based on culture and science in that time. I would like to see that Muslims turn back to Islams root ideology. Do you know what is the first word of holy book of Islam: 'Read!' Don't fear from science, don't fear from learning and it is the only way to save people of Islam world.
  20. Math ,science 'the position of a doctor was by Muslim scientists

Additional Information:

Visibility: 307990

Duration: 0m 0s

Rating: 1881