Amazing architecture: world’s first upside down skyscraper would hang from asteroid - TomoNews

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NEW YORK — Imagine a daily commute that involves parachuting down to earth. A New York City-based architectural firm has plans that would allow you to do exactly that, with a skyscraper suspended from an orbiting asteroid. Clouds Architecture Office has previously came up with incredible plans for a Mars house and a cloud city. Their newest design, introduced in February, is called Analemma Tower. Analemma would be powered by space-based solar panels, with fresh water provided by condensation from clouds and rain. The water would be filtered and recycled in a semi-closed loop system. Suspended from the asteroid by strong cables, the tower would follow a geosynchronous orbit, tracing a figure-eight pattern over the northern and southern hemispheres once per day. This eccentric orbit would allow it to move slowest as it passes over New York City. Residents would parachute down to work as the orbit slows. The tower would be divided into a business area at the bottom, residential in the middle, and worship towards the top. At the apex would be space for burials, while surface transfer points would lie at the bottom. According to Clouds Architecture Office, construction would take place in Dubai, which has proven record in the construction of tall buildings, at one fifth the cost of New York City. ----------------------------------------­--------------------- Go to and become a Patron now TomoNews is now on Patreon and we've got some cool perks for our hardcore fans. TomoNews is your best source for real news. We cover the funniest, craziest and most talked-about stories on the internet. Our tone is irreverent and unapologetic. If you’re laughing, we’re laughing. If you’re outraged, we’re outraged. We tell it like it is. And because we can animate stories, TomoNews brings you news like you’ve never seen before. Visit our official website for all the latest, uncensored videos: Check out our Android app: Check out our iOS app: Get top stories delivered to your inbox everyday: See a story that should be animated? Tell us about it! Suggest a story here: Stay connected with us here: Facebook Twitter @tomonewsus Google+ Instagram @tomonewsus


  1. on almos every level physically and financially impossiple.

    watch thunderf00ts video on this.
  2. not going to happen..never
  3. News nowadays are good at telling jokes!
  5. CGI can make anything look possible. I pity the fools that believe this stupid story.
  6. Result of legalising Marijuana in US.
  7. fake n gay
  8. Mmm.. How you could get in a hanging building wich never stop moving at full speed? How you even build that?
  9. retards
  10. one little hole: RIP EVERYONE IN THE BUILDING
  11. good luck fishing that asteroid!
  12. This isn't actually physically possible. I made a video on my channel about it.
  13. fun idea but not going to happen.. too impractical and costly, the only apartments that are usable are the ones below the 100km altitude mark,.. higher then that and all your furniture and personal stuff will float around in your apartment 24/7 (big mess...) not to speak of the construction costs. starting with the costs of bringing an asteroid into a low earth orbit.. And parachuting to your work? that ill work only once.. you will have to wait a day to return to your apartment as there is a big chance that it will be floating over sao paulo by the time you finished your day of work in New York
  14. Well, will they be able to control the asteroid's course... What if it sets its course towards Mount Everest? 😲😮😮😲
  15. The thing about the floating tower is the biggest bullshit ever from an engineering aspect.
    Don't take this 'TomoNews' nonsense seriously, they peddle bullshit and fakes.
  16. new cable can withstand thousands of degreeeeez now on moon landing spinning ball earth
  17. Is it April fools already?
  18. Well, at least that's doing something with an asteroid, instead of just letting them crash, or sail on by. They have very high $$ value, and left in space in convenient locations, lots of usefulness.
  19. Impossible is nothing 🖖😻
  20. man if I had a building idea, I'd ask you guys to advertise it with your animation

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Duration: 11m 25s

Rating: 315