An Art Deco sensory feast in 360 degrees

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One Friday every month, Lyon's "Arts and Crafts Museum" organises a guided tour at noon, focused on a particular piece of artwork and a concert related to the piece. On this occasion the tour shows the painting "Portrait of a Young Woman" a pastel by Galtier (1768). Experts speculate that it could be a portrait of his wife. The musicians of "La note brève" early music ensemble chose a repertoire inspired by women. Starting by Marais' Folies d'Espagne. Frédéric Deschodt explained the origins of his instrument, the theorbo. "Let me introduce the theorbo, an instrument that appeared, that was created at the end of the 16th century. It's from the same 'family' as the luth, it's a modified luth, so the base of theorbo is a luth, and for the musical needs at that time, performers asked the luthiers to modify it, to add more depth to the instrument, adding bass. And more bass means longer strings, so a second fingerboard has been added. In an orchestra or an ensemble we have the same role that the clavicord, the music scores are the same." The show ended with excerpts of André Campra's cantate "Les femmes", the Women. What are the top stories today? Click to watch: euronews: the most watched news channel in Europe Subscribe! euronews is available in 13 languages: In English: Website: Facebook: Twitter: Google+: VKontakte:


    Additional Information:

    Visibility: 1063

    Duration: 2m 15s

    Rating: 8