An Effin' Magnificent Bookstore

Concept, photos, videos, examples, construction

In case you've ever wondered how one of the world's most beautiful bookstores looked like - well this might answer your question. I was recently in Porto and was lucky enough to go see this beauty! The store is called "Livraria Lello & Irmão" and has a gorgeous Art Nouveau and neo-gothic architecture and is definitely a book lover's dream! Stalk me on the internet: ------------------------------------ Music: A Good Day on the African Planes - from the Youtube Audio Library


  1. I need to go to Porto! Beautiful!
  2. That's it! I'm subscribing NOW lol
  3. OMG I was there last week!!! I live in portugal, porto!!
  4. I want to live in this bookstore.
    Also fun fact the worlds oldest bookstore is also in Portugal and has been open since 1732!!
  5. This bookstore is my hometown! I hope you enjoyed your time here :D
    It certainly was a good call to visit Lello :p
  6. OMG This is so cool I've actually been there before! I loved it!
  7. Such a beautiful store! I love really cool and quirky stores, it makes the book buying experience so much better.
  8. Wow it's gorgeous, just absolutely breathtaking!
  9. Helo from Portugal! 
    I love Lello's bookstore it is soo beautiful! =)
  10. That really is gorgeous!
  11. beautiful!
  12. So beautiful! Also how did you hold the camera so steady? Those pan shots were so good :D
  14. Omg you were in my country and this was uploaded on my birthday!
  15. Oeh, I've been there. I believe that the beautiful wooden staircase inspired J.K. Rowling for the Gryffindor corridor staircase! (At least that's what my sister said). But I remember that you weren't allowed to take pictures in the bookstore, how come you were allowed to film in the bookstore?
  16. OMG I'M FROM PORTUGAL AND I'VE BEEN TO THAT BOOKSTORE!! I hope you've enjoyed the trip!
  17. I have seen photos of that for years - so amazing you got to go in there! :)
  18. The editing is so good! :D
  19. Omg it's gorgeous!! I'm so jealous
  20. I wonder if theres any bookstores like his in Australia..

Additional Information:

Visibility: 3623

Duration: 1m 48s

Rating: 274