ANTIQUES ROADSHOW | French Art Deco Diamond Ring, ca. 1930 | PBS

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In Baton Rouge, Hour 1, Mark Schaffer takes a look at a ring that's more than your average cubic zirconia! Baton Rouge Hour 1 airs Monday, February 17 at 8/7c on PBS! Be sure to follow ROADSHOW on Twitter & Instagram @RoadshowPBS, Pinterest, and Facebook! Visit for more videos and features from the show.


  1. 30$ what a bargain
  2. I bet somebody felt stupid selling that for $30.
  3. that is one smart lady!
  4. My grandmother was the original auction goer, and was a sucker for the "Dollar Box". The boxes that nobody else would bid on.
    So went up to $5 on this one box because there was an inkwell in it that she liked. She gets the box, and when she gets home, she sees a ring inside it. Thought it was costume jewelry, until her brother scratched my mother's kitchen window with it....
    It was real. 50 years ago it was worth $6k. You never know!
  5. This dudes about to snap.
  6. the guy is freaking ooooouttttt
  7. That ring is going to get her a lot of scratch offs.
  8. score
  9. Good lord
  10. god damn.
  11. Who is this woman??? Finally a smart consumer has great eye, does the research, and gets a reward.
  12. Aww...I love these shows.
  13. Score!

Additional Information:

Visibility: 299171

Duration: 2m 28s

Rating: 174