Architecture 02 of 23 The Siza School

Concept, photos, videos, examples, construction


  1. The architecture School of Siza Vieira isn't placed in Lisbon as she keeps saying on the video but in Porto.
  2. Modernism is poor and ridiculous...
  3. Brilliant! He puts the classes and workshops facing the river and the administration facing the motorway. I love it. A school should be designed for the benefit of the students, not that of admin staff. Genius.
  4. I enjoy the purposeful irregularity of the Siza School. At first glance, it is disorienting chaos and it makes no apology. The rhyme and the reason are soon discovered to provide an affinity that visual convention could never approach.
  5. I think the Documentary Series was Called Baukunst (Building Art) 2001 - 2005. I don't know anything about the English version.
  6. Thank you for the explanations; I LOVE how this shows that design is not right/ wrong when fully worked out (neither is anything), it just is, and to revel in the exploration.
  7. Can you please tell the year of production and the name of the director, please?
  8. Many thanks for posting. This major project has yielded disappointing results.On a par with Wright's NYC Guggenheim Museum -- and be advised that I don't mean this as a compliment. They have many problems in common, a major one being the susceptible finishing materials used for the exterior surfaces which also look disheveled. And despite what the architect says he intends, the result is quite heavy handed in the way its forces its inhabitants to look and move -- again, just like Wright! 
  9. no 'lightness' and even light. dark mystical building with unusual interior. how students can learn architecture inside of this. I have a great respect to Siza but he did what he likes not people
  10. Architectural theory is trying to explain objectively a subjective process that originates in an individual need. Architectural theory is as astrology is to astronomy. It is actually quite sad that many architectural students are forced to reason a process that cannot be reasoned, but only liked or not.
  11. I feel like barfing in your face.
  12. "It helps to understand"... It helps You to cheat yourself, pretending that You are part of an enlightened group of people who appreciate this kind of bullshit.
  13. Architecture is more than theory, it's something where people LIVE! Theory should be no more than a support. Architecture should be felt without reading any book.
  14. This video is trying to show deep meaning in something that has no meaning.
  15. UGLY
  16. At 7:00, it is written "bonjour tristesse" on the wall ; it means "hello sadness". It perfectly shows the opinion of people about modern architecture nowadays ; sadly...
  17. Muito bom.
  18. awesome video thanks for posting...

Additional Information:

Visibility: 86619

Duration: 27m 26s

Rating: 319