Architecture of the Future | Mass Studies

Concept, photos, videos, examples, construction

For Korean architecture firm Mass Studies, the future is their present. The Creators Project went to their offices in Seoul and spoke to the company's founder Minsuk Cho who explained how their ultimate goal is to shape a community through space. See the vast scope of their work, informed by both pre and post-urbanized Korea and find out what architectural finish is Mass Studies' favorite... it's not as literal as you may think. The Creators Project is a partnership between Intel and VICE: ** Subscribe to The Creators Project: Check out our full video catalog: Like The Creators Project on Facebook: Follow The Creators Project on Twitter: Read our Tumblr:


  1. Which music from jingle punks is this?
  2. The things about coming from environments in which you are expected to elbow your way to the front, is that it doesn't stop there does it, even after you've reached the top? Because then it becomes a question of how to find the right people to prop you up, while preventing them from climbing over and ahead of you. Such unhappy issues do come to the light with what the media has chosen to portray here unfortunately? Intentionally? Maybe a softer, lighter, more contemplative facade would have been better received? As light and ponderous as the megaton structures that score the earth and scrap the sky? So maybe not the intention after all.
  3. Great video.
  4. I love the idea of using the alphabets for the Korean Pavilion
  5. amazing
  6. Than me better
  7. Architecture of the future looks like shite.
  8. There lot of ways to remake north america and all other countries
  9. Love it
  10. architecture ! i love it _ 
  11. creative
  12. 2:15 -- Reminds me of the ending of the movie Evolution.
  13. this is.... japanese or korean....????
  14. tenia que ser un japones.aguante blender
  15. i really hoping that someday i get to work in mass studies firm
  16. thanks for covering up the subtitles i understand with ones i don't.
  17. 정말 멋지군요!
  18. Interesting concepts. 
  19. It's Amazing. I love it. Brilliant!!!
  20. In facebook seach for ReferenciasDeArquitetura. you will not regret..

Additional Information:

Visibility: 217530

Duration: 6m 38s

Rating: 1201