Are China and the US doomed to conflict? | Kevin Rudd

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The former prime minister of Australia, Kevin Rudd is also a longtime student of China, with a unique vantage point to watch its power rise in the past few decades. He asks whether the growing ambition of China will inevitably lead to conflict with other major powers — and suggests another narrative. TEDTalks is a daily video podcast of the best talks and performances from the TED Conference, where the world's leading thinkers and doers give the talk of their lives in 18 minutes (or less). Look for talks on Technology, Entertainment and Design -- plus science, business, global issues, the arts and much more. Find closed captions and translated subtitles in many languages at Follow TED news on Twitter: Like TED on Facebook: Subscribe to our channel:


  1. ɷ ᕼEEY ᖴᖇIEᑎᗪᔕ I ᕼᗩᐯE ᖴOᑌᑎᗪᗪᗪ ᗯOᖇKIᑎGG OᑎᒪIᑎE ᕼᗩᑕᑕK ᐯIᔕITTTTT : -
  2. 这人讲了一堆废话,却没有实际的解决方案
  3. This caucasian knows Chinese better than I do! The Chinese back in China would call me a traitor to my race.
  4. never apologize for being white.
  5. ɷɷ ᕼEEY ᖴᖇIEᑎᗪᘔ I ᕼᗩᐯE ᖴ0ᑌᑎᗪ ᗯOᖇKIᑎGGG OᑎᒪIᑎE ᕼᗩᑕᑕK ᐯIᔕITTT : -
  6. 就看你能不能称谓中国人民的老朋友 哈哈哈
  7. We are doomed to conflict. Blood will be shed. Millions of even billions will be killed. US built so many military bases around China and brainwashed every country about only the downsides of China. Let's expect the world war 3.
  8. america is doomed. china is hungry?
  9. well said
  10. the west again afraid of the other parts of the world, and thinking how to destroy it so they can stay in control! i don't believe a word from any westners that they/he are/is concern of the world's future, you only care about yourselves, you always did, you will always do.
    in the story of our world, we know who's the real bad guys!
  11. ɷ ᕼEEEEYYY ᖴᖇIEᑎᗪᔕᔕᔕ I ᕼᗩᐯE ᖴOᑌᑎᗪᗪ ᗯOᖇKIᑎGGG OᑎᒪIᑎE ᕼᗩᑕᑕK ᐯIᔕIT : -
  12. ɷɷɷ ᕼEEYY ᖴᖇIEᑎᗪᘔ I ᕼᗩᐯE ᖴOᑌᑎᗪ ᗯOᖇKIᑎGGGGG OᑎᒪIᑎE ᕼᗩᑕᑕK ᐯIᔕITTT : -
  13. ɷɷɷɷ ᕼEEEEYYY ᖴᖇIEᑎᗪᔕᔕᔕᔕ I ᕼᗩᐯE ᖴOᑌᑎᗪᗪᗪᗪᗪ ᗯOᖇKIᑎGGGGGG OᑎᒪIᑎE ᕼᗩᑕᑕK ᐯIᔕITTTTT : -
  14. "Here to help." ? That's what you told us last time, Kev.
  15. If Mr. Rudd compete for presidency again, I shall vote for him.
  16. As a Chinese, I can say his Chinese is really good!!
  17. It is not simply rise of China but a re-establishment of its global honor of the last 2000 years both economically and culturally. The one hundred year humiliation is comparably inconsiderable.
  18. Your Chinese handwriting is horrible.
  19. as a chinese, i want to say, just for instance, most of chinese economic is controled by america or its company. so i don't believe any state will attack its own colony while which still remains in peace
  20. 克文的书法有点问题

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Visibility: 346526

Duration: 20m 7s

Rating: 5323