Art Deco - Treasures of The New York Public Library

Concept, photos, videos, examples, construction

Art Deco captured the mood of 1920s and 1930s modernism, an age of jazz and streamlined machinery, with designs that are colorful, geometric, and filled with an intense rhythm. Watch as curators from The New York Public Library showcase Art Deco prints from the Art & Architecture Division's collections.


  1. Thanks!
  2. @StoicTwo Like everything in America, Art Deco was borrowed, but they made a fantastic job of using it in some stunning buildings. America (via Wales) gave the world the brilliance of Frank Lloyd Wright,one of the worlds greatest architects.
  3. @rockchick80s mackintosh was art deco. His designs were linear as opposed to the flamboyant curves of art nouveau. Both fantastic styles though!
  4. feeling like art deco in my september complextion
  5. It was interesting to see about Art Deco ART. I mostly know about Art Deco as an architectural movement. In my hometown of Havana there are many art deco buildings from the city's Golden Age.... long past.
  6. I don't clearly understand the Art Deco Style. How did they follow this style? Anyone, help me, please! Thanks.
  7. Cool ... the amarican artdeco ... thats so much different to europe and england or germany aswell ...
  8. fuck u

Additional Information:

Visibility: 47320

Duration: 3m 11s

Rating: 179