Art History Genres : What Is Baroque?

Concept, photos, videos, examples, construction

Baroque art took place after the Renaissance through the 17th and 18th century as a Catholic counter-reformation to draw people back into the church. Understand the style of baroque art with information from an art historian, critic and curator in this free video on art. Expert: Dr. Betty Ann Brown Contact: Bio: Betty Ann Brown is an art historian, critic and curator. Filmmaker: Jared Drake


  1. Fantastic! I would love to have this woman has my art teacher.
  2. Those of us that know nothing will now assume that the boroque will include religious connotations. This is confusing because in our daily life people bandy the term about referring to all sorts of things. I've come to think of the label as signifying anything decadent. That's frustrating and inaccurate. The former is my own problem, any advice on the latter?
  3. Very interesting if a little short. Thankyou...
  4. Meh, you're still an idiot.
  5. your "really good idea" makes about as much sense as your initial comment. Or none at all.
  6. I think this woman is just lovely and thanks so much for the info! It helped with my paper!
  7. How ironic that you would choose the word "unsavoury" when there is another spelling for it: "unsavory". Both are correct, yet different countries dictate different spellings just like different countries dictate different pronunciations. Idiot.
  8. Awesome, thank you!
  9. There is no right way to pronounce anything; I'm English and yes I say Baa-rock but if people's accents and dialects make them say it "Ba-roke" I ain't fussed; they cannot help where they're bought up can they? and I'm sure various people in differing parts of Europe also pronounced it in a different way.
  10. I hate comercials!
  11. Oh America why can't you pronounce basic words? Theresa's ecstasy is one of a multitude of ways Bernini evokes the ideals of Counter Ref art ... No need to give it THAT much attention
  12. @jorgep8nt i was wondering the same thing.... but good bit of info in video if you can focus
  13. THX~
  14. Wow I must have missed this in art class. That's very interesting, thanks for the post.
  15. is thats a barroque hair style ??? AWESOMEE !!1
  16. I thought Martin Luther was to count to the renaissance?
  17. Gotta love golden arrows of love! (:
  18. @Catthrina hey do you know anything about art history I need help !
  19. This is so good for learning! Great teacher!
  20. Holy crap it is!

Additional Information:

Visibility: 71712

Duration: 3m 30s

Rating: 230