Art Nouveau (Jugendstil ) 1886-1914

Concept, photos, videos, examples, construction

Jugendstil ( is the German name for Art Nouveau ) ,between 1890-1914 was populair in various country's in Europe ...a facinating and bizarre style in architecture furniture jewelery glass and pottery


  1. Hello, I really like your video. Can you tell me where the building at 2:45 is?
  2. Just lovely. I like this style, very expressive. I recognize the building in Barcelona Spain, "House of Bones" by Gaudi. Thanks for sharing this beautiful video, Rob. Your work is quality. What video editing software do you use? I may have asked this before, but I forget if I did.
  3. Hi Sal i think this  could be interesting for you (or your wife)
    This was an architectural movement in the nineteenth century
    here in Europe ,this is a fantastic  bizarre  beautiful style
    of making buildings or furniture and other things.
  4. Het is toch wel heel bijzonder dit bij elkaar geraapt zooitje heritage als ik het zo mag noemen vrienden, sommigen zijn het hier wel met mij eens, in ieder geval is deze 'stijl' zeer geliefd bij veel mensen, gelukkig maar!!  Bedankt Rob dat jij dit schitterende filmpje ons weer even laat zien
  5. Hi Rob,
    Beautiful video ! Love the photos and music.
    Thank you for sharing, my friend. Have a great evening!
    All the best,
    Your friend,

Additional Information:

Visibility: 3122

Duration: 4m 12s

Rating: 17