Assingment: Venezuela 2/3

Concept, photos, videos, examples, construction

A father leaves his family to start a job for an oil company in the tropical paradise of Venezuela. Watch the drama of finding a house, the horor or foreign languages, and just how ugly 1960's futuristic architecture was. Part 2 of 3! The long lost MST3K short is finally online!


  1. I love to imagine Mike and the Bots making these comments in a room full of people having to watch this film for their job and completely undermining the point of the film XD
  2. @pretorious700 back then??? I don't think it's changed much lol
  3. Did all American middle aged men have huge flat butts back then?
  4. "I saw a nude midget circus..." 5:33
  5. Narrow? Did I say narrow? There I go again...the cab driver whirled on me, his eyes narrow! No! Not narrow!! Argh, no!!
  6. "Si, Comandante!" Almost fell out of my chair with that one!
  7. "This one has two bedrooms. Some have more." "some have less. It all works out, everybody seems to get a bed." They seem to be pretty wide too.
  8. The sculpture "Anteater with Onion Ring", located in the plaza...
  9. "Now, all I have to do is lick that language problem." Crow:...And Escobar here...
  10. I am watching this video from a proxy server while on an Assignment in Mainland China. My quonset hut has more bamboo but otherwise this is a pretty accurate description. I drink a lot of coke. You asked about medical care? Don't ask. Please get me out of here.
  11. It's called "Venezuelalazation."
  12. @clshannon21 Did you see how she looked?
  13. If I were that wife back in the States, I'd tell him to drop dead. I'm not living in a kwanza hut next door to an oil field.
  14. "the water works about an hour a day, id boil the hell out of it if i were you"
  15. Just wipe that thought out of your STUPID BRAIN!!!
  16. 5:11 hmhhm why?? just because hahaaha
  17. "I once woke up with a roach in my mouth" "The water works about about an hour a day.I'd boil the hell out of it if I were you".Tom with a cheesy southern accent.Brilliant.
  18. The smiling, simple natives wave happily from the feilds as their American friends drive past. One thing`s for certain - they won`t go over to an extremely anti-American form of socialism any time soon....I like the way they`re implying "Leave wifey & the kids FAR behind, the native women will do anything for coca cola & a pair of Levis."
  19. I got a beer out of it
  20. @ShinyRayquaza2 LOL, I laughed so hard at that part, I was in tears

Additional Information:

Visibility: 21335

Duration: 10m 0s

Rating: 98