AWESOME fast Westinghouse Elevators at the Cathedral Of Learning, Oakland, Pa

Concept, photos, videos, examples, construction

Cathedral of Learning :) riding an awesome westinhouse selectomatic elevator at University of pIttsburgh's Cathedral of Learning, these elevators have cool rare westinghouse buttons and have quick acceleration, I love this building open to the public. With the Cathedral look,, but a modern skyscraper, the building is actually made out of steel, but is covered with limestone as a work of art, from inside out top and bottom, Highly art deco.


  1. what a nice view at 2:24
  2. Was there an earthquake going on when you took this video? Your camera was shaking all over the place!!! Good video but horrible camera skills. When you move the camera, do it in a slow, fluid motion. Diesel Deucy has a much better version of this video uploaded... Also how fast is this elevator? do you know?
  3. @Balarick you dont have to ask anyone you just walk right in, at any time they are open, I dont know their hours, but this was around 6pm on friday
  4. those elevators looks fast. next time i go to Pittsburgh i want to ride them. who do i ask to film their elevators? at 4:40 'hand' stops the elevator for manual mode. what are other controls for?
  5. @NEXPAR 36-40 is locked, andrew had a key for the elevator so he unlocked it for us so we could ride it, even though we wernt supposed to, we snuck on anyway, its a really slow elevator, I have a video of that elevator I didnt upload yet
  6. @CaptainElevator42189 there are stairs on the 36th floor, every floor has stairs
  7. @jimster586 yeah these are awesome
  8. Very cool. I've always wanted to see these elevators.
  9. Pretty interesting building. Nice classic elevators. Love the two classic panels. I take it they're a little busy though?

Additional Information:

Visibility: 3187

Duration: 6m 40s

Rating: 8