Bauhaus: A History and its Legacy

Concept, photos, videos, examples, construction

A brief introduction to Bauhaus, and why it's still influential today. Produced for an Art History class during my undergrad at The Art Institutes International Minnesota. Made with Keynote.


  1. It's so beautifully explained it almost made me cry.
  2. This was an excellent insight into the movement, short, factual and concise. Thank you!!
  3. In a ironic kind of way this whole video was very bauhausian in the sense it was straight to the point, and beautiful to watch
  4. This was well made! Bravo!
  5. Hi dear, nice video . But now it is not an empty bulinding is part of a Foundation please check it.

    good work with your video!
  6. I don't like it. I acept those who do.
  7. to the point overview on Bauhaus............ thanx for sharing..
  8. Woooooo
  9. Excellent introduction describing historical context and ongoing relevance (what I was looking for) - thanks so much.
  10. You helped me a lot with an assignment. Thanks a lot!! :)
  11. This video was so inspiring! You really enhanced the essential traits of the Bauhaus and that's what I was really looking for!
    Design is so fascinating I think I'm falling in love,not just preparing a Design Management exam
  12. Bauahaus has truly influence my style of art over the years.
  13. I like the band Bauhaus
  14. Thanks for the video :)
  15. thank you!
  16. Informative!
  17. nice!!
  18. thumbs up and share on facebook...kinda am in an addiction phase when it comes to consuming information on Bauhaus and Gropius...
  19. Thanx!! Love your video.
  20. Nice and pleasant to listen to!  You should make more about art!

Additional Information:

Visibility: 45620

Duration: 8m 39s

Rating: 471