Best Ted Talks 2015 - Draw your future - Take control of your life

Concept, photos, videos, examples, construction

Ted Talks Featuring the amazing Patti Dobrowolski (Subscribe here for more amazing ted Talks): Grab a Pen and a paper and start now. The Perfect follow up to this video Learn how to take action: NEWEST TED TALK▶ - A LESSON ON COMPASSION- Best Talks 2016 - THE 13 PRINCIPLES OF SUCCESS - Take Possession Of Your Mind - ▶ Best Talks 2016 ▶ - Alan Watts- Meditation Guide-- Take control of your Life - NEWEST TED TALK▶ - A LESSON ON COMPASSION- -INSPIRATION - NEXT TED TALK ▶ - UNDERSTANDING RISK - +++INSPIRATION- BEST TED TALKS- ▶ GETTING PEOPLE TO DO WHAT YOU WANT AMAZING STREET HACKER PRANKS - ▶ VINES 2015 ▶ (WIN COMPILATION) ENTERTAINMENT ▶ Check out the new THUG LIFE COMPILATION 2015 INSPIRATION ▶Inspirational video JIM CARREY STYLE - ANIMAL LOVERS ▶ For the cutest Pittbull PUPPY Video - For more inspirational videos from us please: Like, Rate and Subscribe (Subscribe here) follow us@: Twitter: ProjectHappyWay - Facebook:ProjectHappyWay- Instagram:ProjectHappyWay


  1. If you have an ounce of creativity left in your soul by the time you reach your 40's, consider yourself lucky?unlucky? I don't know which. But it won't last. Then slowly but surely whatever sparks
    of imaginative embers remain; extinguished by the forces that be, then watch in disbelief as all your ideas are fragmented, regurgitated and ripped off. And unless
    of course you managed to rob a building society for the £3000 (provisional patent application for a mechanical or electrical device can typically be prepared and filed for $2,500 to $3,000.) And do you trust your lawyer? you'll need to hire the lawyer to get the patent finalized for your formula. Just forget it. The Pyramid Hierarchy
    has been placed in your way to find your script, to find your designs, to hack your software programmes. To steal the data for themselves. Leaving you with nothing other than the memories of the years (upto 20 years in my case)
    slogging behind a computer screen, draftsman table, science lab, temporary music studio or other place of graft,ingenuity and determination. It won't matter, cause the whole system has been specifically organized in a way that everything will be for nothing anyway.
    All the effort and endeavours rendered futile. In fact your whole life is an exercise in futility. Don't have a job? Is that because you spent your life attempting to make people life's more enjoyable? Sorry, we don't reward your kind. Instead we rip you off and make your life unbearable. Leave you unmarryable, cause you won't have any money to support yourself, nevermind a family. 20 years of life down the plug hole, because a few folk contol the many. What a crock of shit. A planet of parasites, who disguise themselves as masters. Scum rises right.

    I made the decision to persevere, no matter what the cost. All the big movies depict the same thing. Never give up eh? Well fuck you. I'll bet the guy who came up with the idea had plenty of lawyers fee's to contend with.
    I've got a script that could make a billion over night, what are you gonna do. Oh yeah that's right nothing. We've all ready got one of those but it doesn't have any *&x^%$ in it cause we're all goldfish and we're not supposed to have an imagination. In fact we're all brought up to ridicule anyone who might have one of those. You have to stand in line and be like everyone else, cut your hair short and be like everyone on tele or you won't get a job. Fuck the lot of you, you're not getting my fuckin' script.
    Got all you shit on an iCloud app have you? Good luck with that.
  2. No wonder kids love to draw whether or not it actually looks good!
  3. "wish it want it get it" yesyesyes so easy, but did we really talk about that left/right separation and serotonin-makes-you-happy nonsense in 2015 STILL? read maxwell maltz "psycho-cybernetics" if u wanna go self-help. sketchdrawing is a nice skill for presentation though...
  4. When she wrote those 3 steps "see it, believe it, act on it", I recalled an episode from The Family Guy (when Brian wrote a book on motivation; it had almost the same title like these steps). That's why I'm pretty skeptical about such videos, it's all just demagogy
  5. I'm going to do it right away
  6. Poor Mary Angelou being quoted by this snake oil seller
  7. Why are u coping ted's video and post it as if it's yours?
    You should at least not said don't forget to like rate and subscribe.

    You know what? That is bad, and it's even illegal.
  8. Actually you are the great artist... Artist are not those who draw maze picture, rather those who draw simple meaningful sketches
  9. Useful
  10. Jesus, the bullshit that sells in these vacuity days...
  11. thank you very much! God bless you.
  12. If her method works well , why she is failing to dress well and look well ! her hairdo etc ! if she does not care , may be others too !
  13. double clap !!
  14. Great lesson !
  15. I feel its simple but deep.Thanks
  16. wonderful
  18. Three words: bullshit.
  19. This woman can be great actress

Additional Information:

Visibility: 3585507

Duration: 10m 33s

Rating: 43592