Concept, photos, videos, examples, construction

Buckminster or Bucky as he liked to be known was born in July 12, 1895 and lived until July 1, 1983. He was an American neo-futurist architect, systems theorist, inventor and primarily of the geodesic dome, designer, author and Transcendentalist. Carbon fullerines were named after Buckminster Fuller. Buckie was an environmental activist writing about the issues we face today in the 1940's, 50's and 60's. He ultimately chose to embark on "an experiment," to find what a single individual (could) contribute to changing the world and benefitting humanity. He spoke and wrote about: Tensegrity or tensional integrity; Instairs and outstairs, Dymaxion or Dynamic Maximum Tension - designing the Dymaxion house and Dymaxion car; World-around or global, Spaceship Earth Instruction Manual. He wrote the book Critical Path and I Seem To Be A Verb


  1. Bucky has always been one of my favorites.  Thank you for reintroducing him to us.
    And thank you so very much for all the wonderful, enlightening and informational video's!  - hugs -

Additional Information:

Visibility: 527

Duration: 20m 14s

Rating: 12