City in the Sky - concept architecture

Concept, photos, videos, examples, construction

More info & images @ "City in the sky" is a concept about an imaginary tranquil oasis above the mega developed and polluted city where one can escape from the everyday noise and stress. The concept is inspired by the Lotus flower which is known for its ability to emerge above the murky waters pure and clean. Although it is realistically presented, the concept doesn't intend to be realistic in terms of structure-engineering or real living environment. music & sound design by Georgi Marinov /


  1. What apps did you use for creating this awesome video?
  2. wow <3
  3. pretty nice i think but. . . where is the elevator???
  4. what editor did you use? please reply i will use to my thesis proposal next year..thanks
  5. Wow! Amazing!
  6. what software did use the presentation?
  7. This reminds me on one of the cities in Mirror's Edge Catalyst...
  8. u Sir is an inspiration!!
  9. it would be awesome if a behind the scene video is made to show this beautiful concept and presentation is made. I'd love to learn how :D
  10. I think something like this can be done.  New York City ought to consider this for their jails on the Jehovah's Witness people land auctioned+ eminent domaine.  Only oneto preserve the uniqueness.  Gardens ONLY for staff and administration.  Above the gardens . . . administration offices.   In view of the United Nations for role modeling.  Stop treating the children like enemies.  I think it can be done . . . what with nor'easters and hurricanes . . . by putting three or four cores in each of the three.  People can look and know that their incarcerated children have NOT gone to hell.  Across the East River from the courts alongside the Brooklyn Bridge on auctioned Jehovah's Witness and 'eminent domaine'.  IF NOT for "The People" . . . how about for practice facilities for traveling revues.
  11. amazing!!!
  12. Concept inspired by The Never Ending Story´s :::::: Ivory Tower... Great Job
  13. Amazingly good
  14. Amazing!!Congratulations!!
  15. Minecraft project idea, thanks
  16. "Висячие Сады Семирамиды" ! ;-)
  17. shut up and take my money
  18. i hope ppl start inventing stuff so i can live long and healthy enough to see this bright optimIstic future without having a heart attack
  19. Excelente concepto y proyecto. Excellent concept and project.
  20. good job u r prof

Additional Information:

Visibility: 226426

Duration: 2m 25s

Rating: 2016