Civic Arena Engineering & Innovated in Pittsburgh

Concept, photos, videos, examples, construction

Thanks to Rick Sebak and WQED Civic Arena Adaptive Reuse Goals: Promote a sustainable reuse strategy for the historic Civic Arena Demonstrate that sustainability and reuse of large structures can be an asset to planning, design and development. It will cost over $12 million just to demolish Civic Arena, without having built anything in its place. The term fix-it-first often applies to road and bridge infrastructure, but it also applies to buildings, especially those that can be anchors for new development. The Civic Arena (now Mellon Arena) is a Pittsburgh landmark and an icon of our citys prowess in engineering and materials. It is a one-of-a-kind building in the world, and worthy of preservation and adaptive reuse. Objective1: Develop a broader vision for the Lower Hill with the Arena as an anchor •Imagine if this innovative structure of the 20th century were adapted to meet the needs of the 21st century Hill District and, of course, the region. As a unique destination, it could attract worldwide interest and generate new business and the revenue to maintain the character-defining structural shell. The reuse of obsolete sports facilities has precedent and similar ideas are being explored in Detroit for the old Tigers Stadium. Growing from the ashes of failed urban renewal, the Civic Arena could be an anchor for a sustainable urban plan that integrates with the new Consol Arena and the rebirth of the Hill. Objective 2: Integrate advocacy for the reuse into civic engagement processes of the city and Hill. •Identify and involve key stakeholders to explore the potential for this idea. •Identify potential uses for the structure that are responsive both to market forces and community needs. •Facilitate the integration of the concept for reuse into the URA and Hill process for a community wide master plan. Objective 3: Advocate for and support a technical and economic/market feasibility study of the surrounding site to support a sustainable development concept. Project Outcomes •A pragmatic yet visionary plan that has the support of the community. •The creation of a civic and cultural destination unique to Pittsburgh. •A sustainable economic plan that can support business and job creation. •An inspirational development that bridges the gap between downtown and Hill District development. Time Frame •Identification of feasible reuse: 2008-10 •Renovation and reuse: 2010-20


  1. Or it could become a parking lot
  2. he said it cost 20 million to take it down but yet the ideas they had for it was going to cost 100's of millions to do....
  3. It is really a shame that the Civic Area was demolished because I had an opportunity to see several hockey and indoor soccer games there and it was a great venue. I also had a chance to be there when the roof opened and it was very cool!
  4. i think it was rumored they didn't blow it up its were the steelers play got blown up I'm pretty sure they both did
  5. . . .isn't there a song @bout something being torn down and then made in2 a .......
  6. That arena wasn't just a typical cookie cutter during the time, it was original and ahead of its time like the Space Needle in Seattle. They should have kept it.
  7. Now, it's a parking lot.
  8. I got to be in the arena when the roof was opened for a roller hockey game of all things
  9. After attending numerous rock concerts and hockey games in the early 80s, I had the thrill of seeing the dome open during a Henry Mancini concert. I had heard about it opening during a Boston rock concert in the late 70s, but had a tough time imagining what it would be like. As the architect said in this video, it was totally quiet. I even left my seat near the floor, and walked up to the concourse level to get as close as possible to the rollers. To see the skyline revealed - breathtaking!
  10. ...and it will be blown up for The Dark Knight Rises. Congrats, Pittsburgh.
  12. Will there be any buses available at 3 AM to McKeesport?
  13. @CrazyMacHarris99 I too had a dream of seeing a MLS franchise in Pittsburgh. Am I the only one who remembers Rooney saying, "If you build me a new stadium, I will bring in an MLS franchise."
  14. @chasblkgold What is preventing restaurants and shops and such from opening now? 5 years ago, 10 years ago, 20 years ago?
  15. @pitcitywatcher Part of the architects job is parking. Where is that plan?
  16. @CrazyMacHarris99 When will these lots be ready for use? OK, 2500 more cars in the area. Where do they go?
  17. My point still remains, where do people park? The existing lots are over flowing now. Where do the cars for 5000 more hockey fans park?
  18. The one guy in the video asks "why don't they open it more often now"....answer: you can't anymore (see post below).
  19. ummm....isn't the reason that it can't open now is because the D and F level balconies are attached to the steel roof? You would have to remove these to be able to open it again (i.e. even more money). Yes...that's the ticket...lets spend money on gimmicks like this.
  20. @spazzingfangirl I AGREE! It would be a sin to demo this!

Additional Information:

Visibility: 14633

Duration: 5m 12s

Rating: 45