Cleveland Wrecking Company - Building Collapse

Concept, photos, videos, examples, construction

Cleveland Wrecking Company demolishes buildings on the Bristol-Myers Squibb East Syracuse Campus. Serious demo action occurs at the 4:15 mark. Visit for more!


  1. does anyone know if there out of business ?
  2. That's a well able machine. I've never seen that 2nd attachment before.
  3. Great video! My son loves watching demo jobs. 
  4. Nice to see a blue Komatsu PC600LC-8 ( or -7?)! :o)
  5. Were this at
  6. Not all hope is lost. I have a video of a long reach with the concrete crushers working on a much taller building. Search for "Building Demolition - Komatsu PC600LC". I think you will be more pleased with the results.
  7. Then why would you buy a High Reach...(I do not think its for yard filling) ?! I would say it is to be able to tackle a building from top to bottom. "Demolition is construction the other way around!" Here you start at the bottom with the risk of the upper section coming down in a way you did not expected taking down your stick, boom, or .... "Yes, we have seen even worse...!!!"
  8. It's how we roll.
  9. Why is it that when we see a demojob done in America we almost always see "THIS !!!!...!!!" If you own a machine like this with a 40mtr Kocurek High Reach, and you also own a Cat 245 two piece High Reach: "why in the HELL are you risking equipment and peoples lives doing this Crazy Stunts...!!!
  10. Man, that was awesome!! They come unexpectedly some times, gotta be on your toes. These guys are good. Great video. Thanks.

Additional Information:

Visibility: 3090

Duration: 7m 30s

Rating: 19