Contingency + Praxis - Kinetic Architecture

Concept, photos, videos, examples, construction

In contemporary design we are investigating futuristic advances thanks to the abundance of new digital technology made available to the average craftsman. However it seems that most architectural design is contained within a largely 2D, motionless world. Initial sketches come to life as 3D objects just as static as first intended. There seems to be a loss, a step missed in this process which would alternatively give "life" to a project. That lost step is the consideration of movement. When we look in retrospect at what advancements we have made to kinetic architecture, we look towards the revolving door. From a large, heavy door hung in a frame, design has moved to a sliding door which activates when a person draws closer. This is crucial advance on our relationship to the building. Our presence now begins part of the design, affecting how the building operates, interacting and directly changing the envelope. I aim to explore the idea of kinetic architecture -- movement. Rather than creating an arbitrarily designed object, I intend to design a particular method of movement. In this the design can evolve into many different directions, as stated in the RIBA handbook, the briefing and designing must happen simultaneously, I hope to discover an ideal form through the first understanding of the relationship of movement, be it via human interaction, wind or programme. However I do not restrict the brief to this and keep it deliberately open to see where the exploration into movement will take this design. This investigation will facilitate the creation of an object that can be read in many different ways, from constantly revolving angles, by a variety of people. An object with no direct metaphor or meaning that is up for interpretation based on how it chooses to move and occupy a space. Music: I Like to Move it - Sacha Baron Cohen


    Additional Information:

    Visibility: 754

    Duration: 1m 43s

    Rating: 2